Moreh nevukhe ha-zeman
work by Krochmal
Also known as: “More nevukhe ha-zman”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Nachman Krochmal
…philosopher; his major, seminal work, Moreh nevukhe ha-zeman (1851; “Guide for the Perplexed of Our Time”), made pioneering contributions in the areas of Jewish religion, literature, and especially history.
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place in Jewish philosophy
- In Judaism: Nachman Krochmal
…the highly influential Hebrew treatise More nevukhe ha-zman (“Guide for the Perplexed for Our Time”), on the philosophy of history and on Jewish history. Krochmal’s philosophical thought was based on the notion of spirit. He was mainly concerned with the “national spirit” that is proper to each people and that…
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