Mrs. Dalloway
Mrs. Dalloway, novel by Virginia Woolf published in 1925. It examines one day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, an upper-class Londoner married to a member of Parliament. Mrs. Dalloway is essentially plotless; what action there is takes place mainly in the characters’ consciousness. The novel addresses the nature of time in personal experience through multiple interwoven stories, particularly that of Clarissa as she prepares for and hosts a party and that of the mentally damaged war veteran Septimus Warren Smith. The two characters can be seen as foils for each other.
Plot summary
The novel’s narration is third-person omniscient, but it changes its focus throughout. The narrative begins and ends with Clarissa as it details a day in her life. Clarissa is a seemingly disillusioned socialite whose mood fluctuates: at some moments she seems delighted, at others she seems depressed. Her overall affect suggests suppressed symptoms of depression.
Mrs. Dalloway begins with Clarissa’s preparatory errand to buy flowers. Unexpected events occur—a car emits an explosive noise and a plane writes in the sky—and incite different reactions in different people. Soon after she returns home, her former lover Peter arrives. The two converse, and it becomes clear that they still have strong feelings for each other. In a moment of shared vulnerability, Peter asks Clarissa if she is happy. Before Clarissa can answer, her daughter, Elizabeth, interrupts them.

Perspectives switch, and the narrator inhabits Septimus Warren Smith, a World War I veteran suffering from shell shock (what today would likely be identified as post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD). He is waiting with his wife, Lucrezia, to see a psychiatrist named Sir William Bradshaw. The reader is informed that Septimus has been suffering greatly since returning from the war, and his suffering is something the other characters are unable to grasp.
The perspective shifts to Richard, Clarissa’s husband. In a fit of passion, Richard wants to run home and tell Clarissa he loves her. However, he finds himself unable to do more than give her flowers. Clarissa acknowledges that she respects the gulf between herself and Richard, as it gives both of them freedom and independence while also relieving them of paying attention to certain aspects of life.
The novel’s perspective shifts back to Septimus, who has been told that he is to be taken to a psychiatric hospital. Septimus would rather die than see himself inside such a place, so he throws himself out of a window and becomes impaled on a fence.
The narration then switches to Clarissa’s perspective again, this time during her party. She is primarily concerned with entertaining her guests, some of whom are very esteemed. Sir William Bradshaw arrives with his wife, who announces that Septimus has killed himself. Clarissa, though at first annoyed that Mrs. Bradshaw would discuss such a topic at a party, is soon ruminating on Septimus’s situation. In a small room, by herself, she identifies with how overwhelmed Septimus must have felt. She respects him for choosing death over compromising the integrity of his soul by allowing it to be confined. In light of what he did to preserve his soul, she feels ashamed of the ways she has compromised her own soul in order to go on living. Thus chastened, she returns to the party as it is winding down.
Form and context
Mrs. Dalloway may be best known for Woolf’s use of stream-of-consciousness narrative, which was particularly influenced by James Joyce’s Ulysses. Many critics believe that, in writing this novel, Woolf found her voice, which she further refined in her following novels. Her style was a reaction to the narrative style of much popular Victorian literature, which was linear and deterministic. Woolf, like many other Modernist authors writing in the aftermath of World War I, felt that such a style did not truly depict life as the disjointed mess that it was. She drew from both Joyce’s and Marcel Proust’s understanding of time and psychology to develop round, dynamic characters that convincingly express the reality of their existence on the page.
Mental illness is a common theme in Woolf’s novels, and Mrs. Dalloway is no exception. Shell shock (PTSD) was not examined closely during Woolf’s time; rather, it was seen as a blanket diagnosis pertaining to any and all residual mental effects of war. Woolf, through Septimus, forces the reader to engage with shell shock firsthand and to grapple with the internal and external effects it can have. This was something few authors had done before. Woolf herself struggled with bouts of mental illness throughout her life, and some believe that Clarissa’s character was meant to be autobiographical.
Mrs. Dalloway, through its depiction of Clarissa and Septimus, who can be seen as foils for each other, and of the political atmosphere in Britain during the 1920s, explores the fragmented yet fluid nature of time and the interconnectedness of perception and reality across individuals and social spheres. Clarissa, a woman of high society, is primarily concerned with giving a good party—perhaps as a means of affirming life and fending off death. When news of Septimus’s death is interjected into her party, she is annoyed, as it might dampen everyone’s spirits. She appears at times to be concerned only with the surfaces of things, but her seeming disillusionment with reality can be understood as a coping mechanism. Clarissa tries to ignore the uncomfortable realities of her surroundings—the residual horrors of World War I and her own implied mental illness—and instead engages at the superficial level of societal rules and expectations. Septimus, on the other hand, represents the breakdown of such a society: unable to live with the idea of confinement, he jumps to his death. Clarissa does not face the same sort of confinement, but her freedom is shown at times to be an illusion. She does not commit suicide of the body, but, by shielding herself from uncomfortable realities, she commits emotional suicide, some critics argue. However, Clarissa’s identification with Septimus at the end of the novel also implies that she is somewhat aware of the limits on her freedom. It also seems to relieve her of her disillusionment, if only momentarily, as she praises Septimus for having the courage to escape the confinement that she sees in her own life despite her efforts to ignore it.
Kate Lohnes The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica