film by Bogdanovich [1976]
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discussed in biography
- In Peter Bogdanovich: Films
…1976 Bogdanovich directed and cowrote Nickelodeon, a more modestly conceived project that was a tribute to the pioneers of the film industry. Although it performed poorly at the box office, its verisimilitude—Bogdanovich incorporated anecdotes he had been given by Ford, Dwan, and Raoul Walsh, among others—and sincerity make it worthwhile.…
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role of O’Neal
- In Tatum O’Neal
…in Bogdanovich’s less successful film Nickelodeon (1976), which featured her father and Burt Reynolds. O’Neal then starred with Christopher Plummer and Anthony Hopkins in International Velvet (1978), a sequel to National Velvet (1944).
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