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- major reference
- In Plato: Dialectic
In the later dialogue Parmenides, dialectic is introduced as an exercise that the young Socrates must undertake if he is to understand the forms properly. The exercise, which Parmenides demonstrates in the second part of the work, is extremely laborious: a single instance involves the construction of eight sections…
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- discussion of Aristotle’s criticism of theory of Ideas
- In Western philosophy: Philosophy
…is discussed in Plato’s dialogue Parmenides, which Plato must have written soon after his return from Sicily, and (2) that it was during his membership in the Academy that Aristotle began and elaborated his theoretical and formal analysis of the arguments used in various Socratic discussions—an enterprise that, when completed,…
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account of
- Plato’s theory of Forms
- In Plato: Linguistic and philosophical background
…idea in English is misleading—the Parmenides shows that forms cannot be ideas in a mind—this translation has fallen from favour.) Both terms can also be used in a more general sense to refer to any feature that two or more things have in common or to a kind of thing…
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- Zeno of Elea
- In paradoxes of Zeno
Plato’s dialogue, the Parmenides, is the best source for Zeno’s general intention, and Plato’s account is confirmed by other ancient authors. Plato referred only to the problem of the many, and he did not provide details. Aristotle, on the other hand, gave capsule statements of Zeno’s arguments on…
Read More - In Zeno of Elea
In Plato’s Parmenides, Socrates, “then very young,” converses with Parmenides and Zeno, “a man of about forty”; but it may be doubted whether such a meeting was chronologically possible. Plato’s account of Zeno’s purpose (Parmenides), however, is presumably accurate. In reply to those who thought that Parmenides’…
Read More - In Eleaticism: The decline of Eleaticism
…the second part of Plato’s Parmenides. Here the discussion to which Parmenides submits the young Socrates is meant as a serious exemplification of the logical training that Socrates still needs if he wants to make progress in philosophy. But the result is simply comic—a “fatiguing joke”—because Parmenides always starts from…
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- In paradoxes of Zeno