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- comment on Philip of Macedon’s death
- In Philip II: Last years
In his Politics a few years later he used this incident as an example of a monarch murdered for private and personal motives—which would have been a puerile indiscretion if either he or the world in general had ever taken the canard seriously.
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- discussed in biography
- In Aristotle: Political theory of Aristotle
… treatises to their sequel, the Politics, the reader is brought down to earth. “Man is a political animal,” Aristotle observes; human beings are creatures of flesh and blood, rubbing shoulders with each other in cities and communities. Like his work in zoology, Aristotle’s political studies combine observation and theory. He…
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- influence on Middle Ages
- In Spain: Castilian institutions, society, and culture
…in Roman law and Aristotle’s Politics, profoundly influenced the development of the Castilian monarchy. As the one primarily responsible for maintaining the well-being of the state, the king (God’s vicar on earth, according to the Siete Partidas and numerous other medieval texts) tended to concentrate power in his own hands.…
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- study of political philosophy
- In political philosophy: Aristotle
…than a prophet, and his Politics, written while he was teaching at the Lyceum at Athens, is only part of an encyclopaedic account of nature and society, in which he analyzes society as if he were a doctor and prescribes remedies for its ills. Political behaviour is here regarded as…
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role in
- Greek scholarship
- In classical scholarship: Beginnings
…comic festivals, and supplemented his Politics with a collection of 158 studies of the constitutions of various Greek states. He also carried further the discussion of the constituent parts of a sentence and discussed the nature of synonyms, compounds, and rare words in early poetry.
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- In classical scholarship: Beginnings
- historiography
- In ancient Greek civilization: Historical writings
Aristotle’s Politics examines the theoretical conceptions underlying Greek attitudes toward polis life. This is a precious document, although it can be criticized for insufficient awareness of the monarchical and federal developments of the age.
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view of
- common good
- In common good
In Book I of the Politics, Aristotle asserted that man is political by nature. It is only through participation as citizens in the political community, or polis, provided by the state that men may achieve the common good of community safety—only as citizens and through active engagement with politics, whether…
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- In common good
- tyranny
- In tyranny: Classic definitions
of tyranny comes from Aristotle’s Politics: “Any sole ruler, who is not required to give an account of himself, and who rules over subjects all equal or superior to himself to suit his own interest and not theirs, can only be exercising a tyranny.” Aristotle presents tyranny in a very…
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- In tyranny: Classic definitions