Spear Bearer
sculpture by Polyclitus
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art fraud
- In art fraud
The bronze Spear Bearer (c. 450–440 bce) by Greek sculptor Polyclitus, for example, achieved great renown for its perfect proportions and beauty. As a result, it was often copied in marble for Roman collectors in subsequent centuries. The copies, which are all that survived into the 21st…
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discussed in biography
- In Polyclitus
450–440 bce; “Spear Bearer”), the latter work being known as the Canon (Greek: Kanon) because it was the illustration of his book by that name. The Canon is a theoretical work that discusses ideal mathematical proportions for the parts of the human body and proposes for sculpture…
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influence on Lysippus
place in Greek sculpture
- In Western sculpture: High Classical period (c. 450–400 bce)
…proportion in his Doryphoros (“Spear Bearer”), called “The Canon” because of its “correct” proportions of one ideal male form.
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