work by Clement of Alexandria
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In St. Clement of Alexandria: Early life and career
…but from another place” (Strōmateis), prepared the way for the curriculum of the catechetical school under Origen that became the basis of the medieval quadrivium and trivium (i.e., the liberal arts). This view, however, did not find ready acceptance by the uneducated orthodox Christians of Alexandria, who looked askance…
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place in patristic literature
- In patristic literature: Late 2nd to early 4th century
His major work, the Strōmateis (“Miscellanies”), untidy and deliberately unsystematic, brings together the inheritance of Jewish Christianity and Middle Platonism in what aspires to be a summary of Christian gnosis (knowledge). All his reasoning is dominated by the idea of the Logos who created the universe and who manifests…
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