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Taoism: Media

Chinese philosophy and religion


Understanding Taoism: Ancient philosophy and way of life
Questions and answers about the religio-philosophical Chinese tradition of Taoism.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.


A sculpture of Laozi
Laozi depicted in a sculpture located north of Quanzhou, Fujian province, China.
Zhuang Zhou
Taoist master Zhuang Zhou, commonly known as Zhuangzi (“Master Zhuang”), detail,...
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taiwan, Republic of China
Hsü Tao-ning: Fishing in a Mountain Stream
Fishing in a Mountain Stream, detail of an ink drawing on silk by Hsü Tao-ning,...
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri (Nelson Fund)
Yinyang symbol
Yin and yang forces are often depicted in a circle illustrating their interconnectedness...
© Eloku—iStock/Getty Images
A Taoist ritual
Taoist monks take part in a ritual at the Temple of the City God, also called Old...
© Shawn McCullars
Taoist flutist
A monk from the Taoist tradition playing a flute at the Temple of the City God, also...
© Shawn McCullars
Temple in the sky
Taoist temple on Laojun Mountain, Luoyang, Henan, China.
© Wang Yukun—Moment/Getty Images
The Tao of the paintbrush
A Tall Pine and Taoist Immortal, ink and color on silk hanging scroll with...
National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China