For Students
Egyptian goddess
Also known as: Tawaret, Thoueris
- Also called:
- Taweret
- Or:
- Thoueris
Taurt, goddess of ancient Egypt, the benevolent protectress of fertility and childbirth, associated also with the nursing of infants. She was depicted as having the head of a hippopotamus standing upright (sometimes with the breasts of a woman), the tail of a crocodile, and the claws of a lion. Her image often appeared in household shrines and on amulets. Another goddess, called Opet (or Apet), was depicted in the same form.
Taurt was connected in particular with the goddess Hathor. She was also strongly associated with the inundation of the Nile and received particular worship at Jabal al-Silsila, where rituals were performed for the inundation.