The Art of War
work by Machiavelli
Also known as: “Art of War”, “Dell’arte della guerra”, “The Arte of Warre”
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- discussed in biography
- In Niccolò Machiavelli: The Art of War and other writings of Niccolò Machiavelli
The Art of War (1521), one of only a few works of Machiavelli to be published during his lifetime, is a dialogue set in the Orti Oricellari, a garden in Florence where humanists gathered to discuss…
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place in
- Italian literature
- In Italian literature: Political, historical, biographical, and moral literature
…on Dell’arte della guerra (1521; The Art of War), concerning the creation of a modern army, were more technical, whereas his historical works, including the Istorie fiorentine (1520–25; Florentine History), exemplified theories expounded in his treatises. Machiavelli also holds a place in the history of imaginative literature, above all for…
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- Renaissance philosophy
- In Western philosophy: Humanism
…Copernican (1632); and even Machiavelli’s The Art of War (1521) takes the form of a genteel conversation in a quiet Florentine garden.
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