The Bonds of Interest
play by Benavente y Martínez
Also known as: “Los intereses creados”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Jacinto Benavente y Martínez
, Los intereses creados (performed 1903, published 1907; The Bonds of Interest, performed 1919), his most celebrated work, based on the Italian commedia dell’arte; Los malhechores del bien (performed 1905; The Evil Doers of Good); La noche del sábado (performed 1903; Saturday Night, performed 1926); and…
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Spanish literature
- In Spanish literature: Drama
Los intereses creados (1907; The Bonds of Interest), echoing the 16th-century commedia dell’arte, is his most enduring work. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1922. The poetic, nostalgic drama of Eduardo Marquina revived lyric theatre, together with the so-called género chico (light dramatic or operatic one-act playlets).…
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