The German Ideology
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- alienated labour
- In Marxism: Historical materialism
…Die deutsche Ideologie (written 1845–46; The German Ideology) and the Ökonomisch-philosophische Manuskripte aus dem Jahre 1844 (Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844).
Read More - In Marxism: The contributions of Engels
…writing of The Holy Family, The German Ideology, and The Communist Manifesto. The correspondence between them is of fundamental importance for the student of Das Kapital, for it shows how Engels contributed by furnishing Marx with a great amount of technical and economic data and by criticizing the successive drafts.…
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- historical materialism
- In historical materialism
…Ideologie (written 1845–46, published 1932; The German Ideology), written with Engels. However, this exegesis has not gone unquestioned. Some critics believe that these interpretations rely far too heavily on a relatively brief composition, one which Marx and Engels themselves never bothered to keep in print.
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- theoretical foundations of communism
- In communism: Marxian communism
…foundations of communism, first in The German Ideology (written 1845–46, published 1932) and later in Das Kapital (1867; Capital). His theory has three main aspects: first, a materialist conception of history; second, a critique of capitalism and its inner workings; and third, an account of the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism…
Read More - In communism: Critique of capitalism
…every epoch,” he wrote in The German Ideology, “are the ideas of the ruling class.” By this Marx meant that the conventional or mainstream ideas taught in classrooms, preached from pulpits, and communicated through the mass media are ideas that serve the interests of the dominant class. In slave societies,…
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discussed in biography of
- Engels
- In Friedrich Engels: Partnership with Marx
…was Die deutsche Ideologie (1845; The German Ideology), which, however, was not published until more than 80 years later. It was a highly polemical critique that denounced and ridiculed certain of their earlier Young Hegelian associates and then proceeded to attack various German socialists who rejected the need for revolution.…
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- Marx
- In Karl Marx: Brussels period of Karl Marx
…Ideologie (written 1845–46, published 1932; The German Ideology), contained the fullest exposition of their important materialistic conception of history, which set out to show how, historically, societies had been structured to promote the interests of the economically dominant class. But it found no publisher and remained unknown during its authors’…
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