The Pentamerone
work by Basile
Also known as: “Il pentamerone”, “Lo cunto de li cunti”
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discussed in biography
- In Giambattista Basile
Basile’s collection, Lo cunto de li cunti (1634; “The Story of Stories”; best Italian translation B. Croce, 1925; best English translation N.B. Penzer, The Pentamerone, 2 vol., 1932), was published posthumously under the anagrammatic pseudonym Gian Alesio Abbattutis and referred to by its first editor as Il…
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fairy tales
- In fairy tale
…of Gianfrancesco Straparola and Il Pentamerone (1636; originally published [1634] in Neapolitan dialect as Lo cunto de li cunti) of Giambattista Basile contain reworkings in a highly literary style of such stories as “Snow White,” “Sleeping Beauty,” and “The Maiden in the Tower.” A later French collection, Charles Perrault’s Contes…
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