Treaty of Rijswijk
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- King William’s War
- In King William’s War
…protracted war ended with the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697). Because of the importance of Indian participation, it is also known as the first of the four French and Indian Wars.
Read More - In American colonies: Competing claims in North America
The final Treaty of Rijswijk left matters just as they had previously stood. After a brief breathing space, Queen Anne’s War (1702–13), contemporaneous with the War of Spanish Succession in Europe (1701–14), followed. While John Churchill, 1st duke of Marlborough, won his brilliant victories in Europe, hostilities…
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- In King William’s War
French acquisitions and losses
- Pondicherry
- In India: The French
…French regained it under the Peace of Ryswick (1697), they gained the best fortifications in India but lost their trade. By 1706 the French enterprise seemed moribund. The company’s privileges were let to a group of Saint-Malo merchants from 1708–20. After 1720, however, came a dramatic change. The company was…
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- Saarland
- In Saarland: History
…town of Saarlouis under the Treaty of Rijswijk. From 1792 to 1815 France again occupied Saar, together with the entire west bank of the Rhine. With the final defeat of Napoleon I in 1815, France was forced to cede most of Saar to Prussia, which made the area part of…
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- Saint Domingue
- In Haiti: Plantations and enslaved people
The Treaty of Rijswijk (1697) formally ceded the western third of Hispaniola from Spain to France, which renamed it Saint-Domingue. The colony’s population and economic output grew rapidly during the 18th century, and it became France’s most prosperous New World possession, exporting sugar and smaller amounts…
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- Strasbourg
- In Strasbourg: History
…his arbitrary action by the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697). The town retained its privileges until the French Revolution (1787–99). In 1792 Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a French poet, musician, and soldier, composed in Strasbourg the anthem of the Rhine Army, since known as “La Marseillaise.” In the Franco-German War (1870–71)…
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- Holy Roman Empire’s acquisition of Palatinate
- In Protestantism: Catholic recovery of Protestant territories
…surrender the country at the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697) to the Holy Roman Empire following the War of the Grand Alliance, a clause (the Simultaneum) of the treaty (added at the last moment and not recognized by the Protestants) preserved certain legal rights for Catholics in Protestant churches. As a…
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- War of the Grand Alliance
- In War of the Grand Alliance
…general peace culminated in the Treaty of Rijswijk in September-October 1697. The treaty brought no resolution to the conflict between the Bourbon rulers of France and the Habsburgs, or to the English-French conflict; both were renewed four years later in the War of the Spanish Succession. The rise of England…
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role of
- Heinsius
- In Anthonie Heinsius
…at the peace settlement at Rijswijk (1697).
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- James II
- Leopold I
- In Leopold I: The struggle with France.
…war ended in the unfavourable Treaty of Rijswijk (1697), under the terms of which Strasbourg had to be ceded to France, a great discredit to Leopold.
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- Louis XIV
- In Louis XIV: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
…acquisitions when he signed the Treaty of Rijswijk, for which the public judged him harshly. He reconciled himself to another painful sacrifice when he recognized William of Orange as William III of England, in violation of his belief in the divine right of the Stuart king James II to William’s…
Read More - In France: Foreign affairs
At the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697) the Dutch gained the right to keep a series of Dutch barrier fortresses within the southern Netherlands as a check against French aggression; it was Louis’s seizure of these fortresses in 1701 that precipitated the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14).
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- Oxenstierna
- In Bengt Gabrielsson, Count Oxenstierna
…role for Sweden in the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697), which ended the war. After the accession of Charles XII in 1697, Oxenstierna’s influence declined greatly.
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- In Bengt Gabrielsson, Count Oxenstierna
- William III
- In William III: The Glen Coe massacre
…peace, and the Treaties of Rijswijk were signed in 1697. The question, vital for a European balance of power, of who was to succeed the childless king Charles II of Spain remained unsettled, however, and William had good cause to fear that the peace would be no more than a…
Read More - In United Kingdom: The sinews of war
…Grand Alliance ended with the Treaty of Rijswijk, in which Louis XIV formally recognized William III as king of England.
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