United Order of Enoch
religious organization
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establishment by Smith
- In Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: History
…established, Smith instituted a communalistic United Order of Enoch. But strife with non-Mormons in the area led to killings and the burning of Mormon property. Tensions between church members and local slave-owning Missourians, who viewed the Mormons as religious fanatics and possible abolitionists, escalated to armed skirmishes that forced 15,000…
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significance to Orderville
- In Orderville
…that was inspired by the United Order of Enoch, an arrangement originated by Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. Members worshipped together, pooled their wealth, ate at a common table, and shared equally in the fruits of their labour, whether skilled or common. Unlike other shorter-lived Mormon experiments, Orderville lasted…
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