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development of
- mathematics
- In mathematics: Institutional background
The academy was the predominant institution of science until it was displaced by the university in the 19th century. The leading mathematicians of the period, such as Leonhard Euler, Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, and Joseph-Louis Lagrange, pursued academic careers at St. Petersburg, Paris, and London.
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- science
- In biology: The establishment of scientific societies
…the establishment in Europe of academies or societies; they consisted of small groups of men who met to discuss subjects of mutual interest. Although some of the groups enjoyed the financial patronage of princes and other wealthy members of society, the members’ interest in science was the sole sustaining force.…
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- sculpture
- In Western sculpture: 19th-century sculpture
…annual exhibitions organized by the Academies. In post-Revolutionary France, the academy was organized by the government until the early 1880s, when they were taken over by artists’ organization. Great patrons at court or among the nobility could still play a very important part in making an artist’s reputation, but publicity…
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history of education
- In education: The academies
” The beginning of academies for the promotion of philosophy, arts, or sciences can be traced to the early Renaissance, particularly in Italy and France. The Platonic Academy in Florence was one of the most noted of speculative societies. The first scientific academies belong to…
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- American colonies
- In education: The new academies
From such endeavour emerged the academy. The first school of strictly native provenance, it made its advent in 1751 in Philadelphia (the Philadelphia Academy), the work in the main of Benjamin Franklin. What differentiated it from its Classical antecedent was its promotion of “useful learning,” to wit, the vernacular, modern…
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- Canada
- In education: Canada
Academies, largely supported by the middle class of nonconformist groups, presented a broad curriculum of liberal arts that spanned the secondary and higher levels of education. In general, instruction relied on a simple chain concept of “transmission-absorption-mental storage,” which was kept going by direct application…
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