Advances to the 20th century
- Related Topics:
- evolution
- philosophy of biology
- taxonomy
- microbiology
- omics
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- CalState-Pressbooks Network - Introduction to Living Systems - What is Biology? (Feb. 15, 2025)
Seventeenth-century advances in biology included the establishment of scientific societies for the dissemination of ideas and progress in the development of the microscope, through which scientists discovered a hitherto invisible world that had far-reaching effects on biology. Systematizing and classifying, however, dominated biology throughout much of the 17th and 18th centuries, and it was during that time that the importance of the comparative study of living organisms, including humans, was realized. During the 18th century the long-held idea that living organisms could originate from nonliving matter (spontaneous generation) began to crumble, but it was not until after the mid-19th century that it was finally disproved by the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who demonstrated the self-replicating ability of microorganisms.
Biological expeditions added to the growing body of knowledge of plant and animal forms and led to the 19th-century development of the theory of evolution. The 19th century was one of great progress in biology: in addition to the formulation of the theory of evolution, the cell theory was established, the foundations for modern embryology were laid, and the laws of heredity were discovered.
The discovery of the circulation of blood
In the early 17th century, the English physician William Harvey, who studied at Padua with one of Vesalius’s students, became the first to describe the full circulation of the blood through the human body. Prior to Harvey, blood was supposed to be consumed by the body and produced anew rather than continually circulated. It had also been suggested that the blood flowed through pores between the two halves of the heart and that the heart produced a vital heat, which was tempered by the air from the lungs. In his own work, however, Harvey demonstrated that the heart expands passively and contracts actively. By measuring the amount of blood flowing from the heart, he concluded that the body could not continuously produce that amount. He also was able to show that blood is returned to the heart through the veins, postulating a connection (the capillaries) between the arteries and veins that was not to be discovered until later in the 17th century. Harvey was also interested in embryology, to which he made a significant contribution by suggesting that there is a stage (the egg) in the development of all animals during which they are undifferentiated living masses. A biological dictum, ex ovo omnia (“everything comes from the egg”), is a summation of that concept.
The establishment of scientific societies
A development of great importance to science was the establishment in Europe of academies or societies; they consisted of small groups of men who met to discuss subjects of mutual interest. Although some of the groups enjoyed the financial patronage of princes and other wealthy members of society, the members’ interest in science was the sole sustaining force. The academies also provided freedom of expression, which, together with the stimulus of exchanging ideas, contributed greatly to the development of scientific thought. One of the earliest of these organizations was the Italian Accademia dei Lincei (Academy of the Lynx-eyed), founded in Rome around 1603. Galileo Galilei made a microscope for the society; another of its members, Johannes Faber, an entomologist, gave the instrument its name. Other academies in Europe included the French Academy of Sciences (founded in 1666), a German Academy in Leipzig, and a number of small academies in England that in 1662 became incorporated under royal charter as the Royal Society of London, an organization that was to have considerable influence on scientific developments in England.
In addition to providing a forum for the discussion of scientific matters, another important aspect of those societies was their publications. Before the advent of printing there were no convenient means for the wide dissemination of scientific knowledge and ideas; hence, scientists were not well informed about the works of others. To correct that deficiency in communications, the early academies initiated several publications, the first of which, Journal des Savants (originally Journal des Sçavans), was published in 1665 in France. Three months later, the Royal Society of London originated its Philosophical Transactions. At first the publication was devoted to reviews of work completed and in progress; later, however, the emphasis gradually changed to accounts of original investigations that maintained a high level of scientific quality. Gradually, specialized journals of science made their appearance, though not until at least another century had passed.
The development of the microscope
The magnifying power of segments of glass spheres was known to the Assyrians before the time of Christ; during the 2nd century ce, Claudius Ptolemy, an astronomer, mathematician, and geographer at Alexandria, wrote a treatise on optics in which he discussed the phenomena of magnification and refraction as related to such lenses and to glass spheres filled with water. Despite that knowledge, however, glass lenses were not used extensively until around 1300 (an anonymous person invented spectacles for the improvement of vision probably in the late 1200s). That invention aroused curiosity concerning the property of lenses to magnify, and in the 16th century several papers were written about such devices. Then, in the late 16th century, the Dutch optician Hans Jansen and his son Zacharias invented the compound microscope. The utility of that instrument in the biological sciences, however, was not realized until the following century. Following subsequent technological improvements in the instrument and the development of a more-liberal attitude toward scientific research, five microscopists emerged who were to have a profound affect on biology: Marcello Malpighi, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Jan Swammerdam, Nehemiah Grew, and Robert Hooke.
Malpighi’s animal and plant studies
The Italian biologist and physician Marcello Malpighi conducted extensive studies in animal anatomy and histology (the microscopic study of the structure, composition, and function of tissues). He was the first to describe the inner (malpighian) layer of the skin, the papillae of the tongue, the outer part (cortex) of the cerebral area of the brain, and the red blood cells. He wrote a detailed monograph on the silkworm; a further major contribution was a description of the development of the chick, beginning with the 24-hour stage. In addition to those and other animal studies, Malpighi made detailed investigations in plant anatomy. He systematically described the various parts of plants, such as bark, stem, roots, and seeds, and discussed processes such as germination and gall formation. Many of Malpighi’s drawings of plant anatomy remained unintelligible to botanists until the structures were rediscovered in the 19th century. Although Malpighi was not a technical innovator, he does exemplify the functioning of the educated 17th-century mind, which, together with curiosity and patience, resulted in many advances in biology.
The discovery of “animalcules”
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutchman who spent most of his life in Delft, sold cloth for a living. As a young man, however, he became interested in grinding lenses, which he mounted in gold, silver, or copper plates. Indeed, he became so obsessed with the idea of making perfect lenses that he neglected his business and was ridiculed by his family and neighbours. Using single lenses rather than compound ones (a system of two or more), Leeuwenhoek achieved magnifications from 40 to 270 diameters, a remarkable feat for hand-ground lenses. Among his most-conspicuous observations was the discovery in 1675 of the existence in stagnant water and prepared infusions of many protozoans, which he called animalcules. He observed the connections between the arteries and veins; gave particularly fine accounts of the microscopic structure of muscle, the lens of the eye, the teeth, and other structures; and recognized bacteria of different shapes, postulating that they must be on the order of 25 times as small as the red blood cell. Because that is the approximate size of bacteria, it indicates that his observations were accurate.
Leeuwenhoek’s fame was consolidated when he confirmed the observations of a student that male seminal fluid contains spermatozoa. Furthermore, he discovered spermatozoa in other animals as well as in the female tract following copulation; the latter destroyed the idea held by others that the entire future development of an animal is centred in the egg, and that sperm merely induce a “vapour,” which penetrates the womb and effects fertilization. Although that theory of preformation, as it is called, continued to survive for some time longer, Leeuwenhoek initiated its eventual demise.
Leeuwenhoek’s animalcules raised some disquieting thoughts in the minds of his contemporaries. The theory of spontaneous generation, held by the ancient world and passed down unquestioned, was now being criticized. Christiaan Huygens, a scientific friend of Leeuwenhoek, hypothesized that the little animals might be small enough to float in the air and, on reaching water, reproduce themselves. At the time, however, criticism of spontaneous generation went no farther.
Swammerdam’s innovative techniques
In contrast to Leeuwenhoek, who was virtually unschooled, his contemporary fellow countryman Jan Swammerdam was highly educated in medicine. However, similar to Leeuwenhoek, Swammerdam confined his attention to microscopical studies. He employed highly innovative techniques; for example, he injected wax into the circulatory system to hold the blood vessels firm, he dissected fragile structures under water to avoid destroying them, and he used micropipettes to inject and inflate organisms under the microscope. In 1669 Swammerdam published Algemeene Verhandeling van bloedeloose diertjens (The Natural History of Insects, 1792), in which he described the structure of a large number of insects as well as spiders, snails, scorpions, fishes, and worms. He regarded all of those animals as insects, distinguishing between them according to their mode of development. Although that classification was erroneous, Swammerdam discovered a great deal of information concerning insect development.
Swammerdam was subject to fits of mental instability, which, combined with financial difficulties, led to periods of depression. It was while in a state of mental disturbance that he produced his classic Ephemeri vita (“Life of the Ephemera”) in 1675, a book about the life of the mayfly noteworthy for its extremely detailed illustrations. Sometime after his death at age 43, Swammerdam’s works were published collectively as the Bijbel der Natuure (1737; “Bible of Nature”), which is considered by many authorities to be the finest collection of microscopic observations ever produced by one person.
Grew’s anatomical studies of plants
Nehemiah Grew was educated at Cambridge and is regarded by some as one of the founders of plant anatomy. In 1672 he published the first of his great works, The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun, followed in 1682 by The Anatomy of Plants. Although Grew clearly recognized cells in plants, referring to them as vesicles, or bladders, their biological significance evaded him. He is best known for his recognition of flowers as the sexual organs of plants and for his description of their parts. He also described the individual pollen grains and observed that they are transported by bees, but he did not realize the significance of that observation. Twelve years after the publication of The Anatomy of Plants, a German physician utilized Grew’s anatomical studies in experiments to verify sexual reproduction in plants.