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- theories of Eleazar ben Judah
- In Eleazar ben Judah Of Worms
Eleazar was an angelologist, not only in his mystic theories of theurgy (the art of persuading or compelling supernatural beings to one’s bidding) but also in his writings on the kavod (“divine glory”), a concept also shared by his master, Judah ben Samuel the Ḥasid, who wrote a…
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- In Eleazar ben Judah Of Worms
association with
- Jewish mysticism
- In Judaism: Early stages to the 6th century ce
…them in many different directions: angelology (doctrine about angels) and demonology (doctrine about devils); mythical geography and uranography (description of the heavens); contemplation of the divine manifestations, whose background was the Jerusalem Temple worship and the visions of the moving “throne” (merkava, “chariot”) in the prophecy of Ezekiel; reflection on…
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- millennialism
- In eschatology: Ancient times
Numerology, mythological figures, and angelology were probably introduced by Daniel as a result of the influence of Iranian thought. Although likely the result of the unique problems the author faced in presenting his views as a 6th-century-bce prophet to a 2nd-century-bce audience, other characteristics of The Book of Daniel,…
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