Laws of bridge
As descendants of whist, the several bridge games have always had more detailed laws than those of any other nonathletic game except chess. The Portland Club of London and the Whist Club of New York became traditionally the lawmaking bodies for rubber auction bridge, the game played chiefly in clubs and private homes. With the rise of duplicate and tournament bridge in the 1930s and ’40s, the ACBL and the European Bridge League became predominant in lawmaking.
The Portland Club adopted a code of laws for bridge whist in 1895, the Whist Club a different code in 1897. The Whist Club’s laws were revised in 1902, the Portland Club’s never. In 1909 the Portland Club published the first code of laws for auction bridge (revised 1914, 1924, 1928), and in 1910 the Whist Club published its first auction bridge laws (revised 1912, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1920, 1926). After 1910 auction bridge was never officially played under identical laws in Great Britain and elsewhere. Under the American laws, a bid of (for example) three in any suit would overcall a bid of two in any suit. Under British laws, a bid of one no trump, worth 12 points, would overcall a bid of five spades, worth 5 × 2 = 10 points. The American principle prevailed and by 1930 had become universal.
The scoring values were changed several times in both countries. At first the scoring was as it had been in bridge whist. Then for a time the game was called royal auction because the spade suit had alternative values: a player might bid either spades, worth two points per trick, or royal spades (in the United States often called “lilies”), worth nine points per trick. The same suit would be trumps in either case, but the declarer’s profit or risk would depend on which scoring value he had established by his bid. The count for a chicane was dropped after the first few years.
The first laws of contract bridge were published by the Knickerbocker Whist Club of New York in 1927, but when later in the same year the Whist Club issued a code, the Knickerbocker laws were withdrawn. The Portland Club issued a code in 1929. In 1932 representatives of the Portland and Whist clubs met and agreed on the first international code, to which the Commission Française du Bridge subscribed. Since then, except for a 1941 American code (published 1943) issued unilaterally because the European correspondents were at war when it was written, every code has been international, and the revisions of 1948 and 1949 were promulgated by the ACBL and the EBL, to which the Whist Club and the Portland Club had ceded their claims of prerogative. In turn, these organizations, along with representative bodies from South America, deferred to the newly formed World Bridge Federation (WBF) in 1958. The most recent WBF rules for traditional rubber bridge were adopted in 1993, for duplicate contract bridge in 1997, and for play over the Internet in 2001.
Strategy of contract bridge
The object in contract bridge is to score as many points as possible and to permit the opponents to score as few points as possible. The strategy employed by the best players in pursuit of this object embraces a technique that in complexity approaches the technique of chess, as well as a scope for deductive analysis, psychology, alertness, and mental ascendancy over one’s opponents. Thus it is an art, which can hardly be taught or even described. The best players of the game (like the best players of bridge whist and auction bridge before them) combine unusual aptitude, interest amounting virtually to obsession, and experience derived from constant play with and against their peers.
Nevertheless, the general rules, called systems, enable the casual player to emulate the expert standard in most cases. In whist, the progenitive game, the science was meagre; in bridge whist it improved; in auction bridge the best players were competent but the literature of the game never reflected the best practices; in contract bridge the most popular systems, if strictly followed, have produced nearly 90 percent efficiency.
The factors in the systems of contract bridge bidding and play are:
- 1. Valuation. The player who bids accepts danger; if unable to fulfill his contract, he will be subject to penalties. Therefore, he must be able to estimate the trick-taking power of his hand.
- 2. Information. Bridge is essentially a partnership game. Each partner must inform his partner as to the nature and strength of the hand he holds. Assuming such information has been given and received, one partner should be able to decide the best contract for the combined hands.
- 3. Strategy. A bid defeats its own purposes if the information it gives is more valuable to the opponents than to the bidder’s partner. Therefore, ideally, each bid should be designed to inform the bidder’s partner only to the extent necessary while withholding information from the opponents.
Only a few general principles can be stated for the play of the cards, but to the extent possible they have been exhaustively treated in the literature of the several bridge games. The ethics of the game permit information to be given only by the card led or the card played to a trick. Convention has endowed certain plays with meanings generally understood.
Bidding systems
Bidding systems have preoccupied the student of bridge since the earliest appearance of contract bridge. The first system proposed was that of Harold S. Vanderbilt, who created the game that became successful as contract bridge. The Vanderbilt Club system provided that a player with a strong hand bid one club, the lowest bid; his partner with a weak hand would bid one diamond and with a strong hand would make some other bid. Despite its technical excellence, the Vanderbilt Club system was not widely accepted. The most successful system of the first 20 years of contract bridge was devised by Ely Culbertson of New York. The Culbertson system required a player to value his hand by a schedule of high-card combinations called honour tricks and then to bid in accordance with established requirements based on the number of honour tricks held and the length of the player’s suits.
Despite competition from other systems advanced by those who had been the principal authorities in auction bridge (the official system), by leading players such as Phillip Hal Sims (the Sims system), and by leading teams such as the Four Aces (the Four Aces system), all during the early 1930s, the Culbertson system was paramount throughout the world until the late 1940s.
In 1949 Charles H. Goren of Philadelphia popularized a method of valuation called the point count, an extension of similar methods proposed as early as 1904 but not previously made applicable to more than a fraction of the many hands a bridge player might hold. In other respects Goren’s system was similar to or identical with the methods advocated by Culbertson and the Four Aces.
Hundreds of different bidding systems have been proposed for contract bridge, and at all times several dozen systems are in use. Some of these are modifications of the Goren system, or they are substantially the same as the Goren system with the addition of a few special bidding conventions; others are radically different. Bidding systems can be divided into two main groups: natural systems, in which the bidder usually has strength in any suit he bids, and artificial systems, in which most bids are signals designed to show the general strength of the bidder’s hand but do not necessarily promise any strength in the suit bid. (Goren wrote the Goren system section of the bridge article for the 1963 printing of the 14th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica.)