Making critical decisions

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During a crisis, governments and public agencies must decide on critical issues. These can be of many kinds. Scarce resources may have to be prioritized. This is much like politics as usual, except that in crisis circumstances the disparities between demand and supply of public resources are much bigger, the situation remains unclear and volatile, and the time to think, consult, and gain acceptance for decisions is highly restricted. Crises also confront governments and leaders with issues they do not face on a daily basis—for example, concerning the deployment of the military, the use of lethal force, or the radical restriction of civil liberties. Crisis decision making is making hard calls, which involve tough value trade-offs and major political risks.

An effective response requires interagency and intergovernmental coordination. After all, each decision must be implemented by a variety of organizations; effective implementation requires that these organizations work together. Getting public bureaucracies to adapt to crisis circumstances is a daunting—some say impossible—task. Most public organizations were originally designed to conduct routine business in accordance with such values as fairness, lawfulness, and efficiency. However, the management of a crisis requires flexibility, improvisation, redundancy, and the breaking of rules.

Deciding against nuclear war

Sometimes crisis management comes down to one person making an immediate decision in the face of contradictory facts. Stanislav Petrov, a Soviet military officer, was one such person. In 1983 a decision he made in a bunker south of Moscow may have saved the world from nuclear destruction.

Coordination is not a self-evident feature of crisis-management operations. The question of who is in charge typically arouses great passions. In disaster studies, the “battle of the Samaritans” is a well-documented phenomenon: agencies representing different technologies of crisis management find it difficult to align their actions. Moreover, a crisis does not make the sensitivities and conflicts disappear that governed the daily relations between authorities and others before the crisis.

A truly effective crisis response is, to a large extent, the result of a naturally evolving process. It cannot be managed in linear, step-by-step, and comprehensive fashion from a single crisis centre, however full of top decision makers and stacked with state-of-the-art information technology. There are simply too many hurdles that separate a critical decision from its timely execution in the field.

Making meaning

In a crisis, leaders are expected to reduce uncertainty and provide an authoritative account of what is going on, why it is happening, and what needs to be done. When they have made sense of the events and have formulated a strategy, leaders must get others to accept their definition of the situation. If they are not successful, their decisions may not be understood or respected.

Public leaders are not the only ones trying to frame the crisis. Their messages coincide and compete with those of other parties, who hold other positions and interests, and who are likely to espouse various alternative definitions of the situation and advocate different courses of action. If other actors succeed in dominating the meaning-making process, the ability of incumbent leaders to decide and maneuver is severely constrained.

It is often difficult for authorities to provide correct information right away. They struggle with the mountains of raw data (reports, rumours, pictures) that are quickly amassed when something extraordinary happens. Turning them into a coherent picture of the situation is a major challenge by itself. Getting it out to the public in the form of accurate, clear, and actionable information requires a major public relations effort. This effort is often hindered by the aroused state of the audience: people whose lives are deeply affected tend to be anxious if not stressed. Moreover, they do not necessarily see the government as their ally. And preexisting distrust of government does not evaporate in times of crisis.

Terminating a crisis

Crisis termination is twofold. It first requires shifting back from emergency to routine mode and downsizing the crisis-management operations. At the strategic level, it also requires rendering an account for what has happened and gaining acceptance for this account. These two aspects of crisis termination are distinct but in practice often closely intertwined. Government must regain the necessary legitimacy to perform its usual functions. Leaders cannot bring this about by unilateral decree, even if they possess the formal mandate to terminate crises in a legal sense. Formal termination gestures can follow, but never lead, the mood of a community. Premature closure may even backfire. Allegations of underestimation and cover-up are quick to emerge in an opinion climate that is still on edge.

Debates about who is accountable for the management of the crisis can easily degenerate into blame games with a focus on identifying and punishing culprits, rather than discursive reflection about the full range of causes and consequences. The challenge for leaders is to cope with the politics of crisis accountability without resorting to undignified and potentially self-defeating defensive tactics of blame avoidance.

Crisis leaders can be competent and conscientious, but that alone says little about how their performance will be evaluated when the crisis is over. Policy makers and agencies that failed to perform their duties prior to or during the critical stages may manage the crisis aftermath well, thus preventing losses to their reputation, autonomy, and resources. Crises have winners and losers. The political (and legal) dynamics of the accountability process determines which crisis actors end up where.

Learning from crises

A crisis offers a reservoir of potential lessons for contingency planning and training for future crises. One would expect all those involved to study these lessons and feed them back into organizational practices, policies, and laws. This does not always happen, however. Lesson drawing is one of the most underdeveloped aspects of crisis management. In addition to cognitive and institutional barriers to learning, lesson drawing is constrained by the role of these lessons in determining the impact that crises have on a society.

Crises become part of collective memory, a source of historical analogies for future leaders. The depiction of a crisis as a product of prevention and foresight failures would force people to rethink the assumptions on which preexisting policies and rule systems rested. Other stakeholders might seize upon the lessons to advocate measures and policy reforms that incumbent leaders reject. Thus, leaders have a big stake in steering the lesson-drawing process in the political and bureaucratic arenas. The crucial challenge here is to influence the feedback stream that crises generate into preexisting policy networks and public organizations.

Arjen Boin The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica