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- Norman essay on user-centered design
- In People-Centered (Not Tech-Driven) Design
…the technologists—and technology companies—invent and design what they can but then leave many tasks that could be done by machines to people instead, thereby forcing us to work on the technology’s terms. As a result, workers often are required to do things people are known to be bad at. And…
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- In People-Centered (Not Tech-Driven) Design
architecture and engineering
contribution by
- Fuller
- In R. Buckminster Fuller: Life
…to a nonprofit search for design patterns that could maximize the social uses of the world’s energy resources and evolving industrial complex. The inventions, discoveries, and economic strategies that followed were interim factors related to that end.
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- Sullivan
- In Louis Sullivan: Work in association with Adler
Sullivan’s brilliance as a designer was complemented by Adler’s business ability, his tact with clients, and his knowledge of technical matters, especially acoustics. After coming to Chicago in 1861, Adler had worked as a draftsman, and he returned to the city after serving in the Civil War. In 1871…
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- civil engineering
- In civil engineering: Design
The design of engineering works may require the application of design theory from many fields—e.g., hydraulics, thermodynamics, or nuclear physics. Research in structural analysis and the technology of materials has opened the way for more rational designs, new design concepts, and greater economy of…
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- interior design
- In interior design: Design and presentation
After the completion of a program and the acceptance of the program by the clients, the actual design work can begin. Designers usually work on many alternative schemes. A single space such as a restaurant or a carefully designed store takes many…
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- landscape architecture
- In garden and landscape design: Design
The traditional elements of design are space; mass; line, or outline; colour; light and shade; texture; scent; and time, as related to climate, season, and growth factors.
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- roads
- In road: Road design
After a route has been selected, a three-dimensional road alignment and its associated cross-sectional profiles are produced. In order to reduce the amount of earth to be moved, the alignment is adjusted where practical so that the earth to be excavated…
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- system engineering
- In systems engineering: A design example
The design of the commercial transport plane mentioned above is an example of a systems engineering problem. In such a design the aerodynamic lift, the drag of fuselage and wings, the control apparatus, the propulsion system, and such auxiliary hardware as the landing…
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- In systems engineering: A design example
fine arts and manufacturing
elements of
- drafting
- In drafting
At the design stage, both freehand and mechanical drawings serve the functions of inspiring and guiding the designer and of communicating among the designer, collaborators, production department, and marketing or management personnel. At this stage exact mechanical drawings can clarify, confirm, or disqualify a scheme that looked…
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- drawing
- In drawing: Elements and principles of design
The principal element of drawing is the line. Through practically the entire development of Western drawing, this figure, essentially abstract, not present in nature, and appearing only as a border setting of bodies, colours, or planes, has been the vehicle…
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- sculpture
- In sculpture: Elements and principles of sculptural design
The two most important elements of sculpture—mass and space—are, of course, separable only in thought. All sculpture is made of a material substance that has mass and exists in three-dimensional space. The mass of sculpture is thus the solid, material, space-occupying bulk that is…
Read More - In sculpture: Principles of design
It is doubtful whether any principles of design are universal in the art of sculpture, for the principles that govern the organization of the elements of sculpture into expressive compositions differ from style to style. In fact, distinctions made among the major styles of…
Read More - In sculpture: The sculptor as designer and as craftsman
The conception of an artifact or a work of art—its form, imaginative content, and expressiveness—is the concern of a designer, and it should be distinguished from the execution of the work in a particular technique and material, which is the task…
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- tapestry
- basketry
- In basketry: Matting or plaited construction
…layers, forming a six-pointed star design, is found on a small scale in Indonesia and Malaysia.
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- clothing and footwear industry
- In clothing and footwear industry: Design in clothing and footwear
Clothing, headwear, footwear, and accessories businesses are the fashion industries par excellence. As such, their goal is to give the wearer a sense of well-being based on being attractive to oneself and others. At the same time, an inescapable function…
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- In clothing and footwear industry: Design in clothing and footwear
- flower arrangement
- In floral decoration: Elements and principles of design
The term flower arrangement presupposes the word design. When flowers are placed in containers without thought of design, they remain a bunch of flowers, beautiful in themselves but not making up an arrangement. Line, form, colour, and texture are the basic design elements that…
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- furniture industry
- In furniture industry: History
…cabinetmaker, perhaps after consulting a design book by Chippendale, Hepplewhite, or Sheraton. Or he might work out his requirements in consultation with the cabinetmaker or, if he were sufficiently wealthy, employ an architect or designer. After the midyears of the 19th century the showroom gained popularity. A large store often…
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- In furniture industry: History
- heraldry
- In heraldry: The elements and grammar of heraldic design
Provided that a few elementary principles are grasped, enough knowledge of heraldry can be acquired in a relatively short time to enable the student to understand the structure of coats of arms. The multitude of terms used in heraldry need not be worrisome: once…
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- jewelry
- In jewelry: The history of jewelry design
The possibility of tracing jewelry’s historic itinerary derives primarily from the custom, beginning with the most remote civilizations, of burying the dead with their richest garments and ornaments. Plastic and pictorial iconography—painting, sculpture, mosaic—also offer abundant testimony to the jewelry worn in various eras.
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- lacquerwork
- In lacquerwork: Application
…especially in Japan, but the design was first generally made on paper with lacquer and transferred while still wet or drawn directly with a thin paste of white lead or colour. In carrying it out the artist uses gold or silver dust applied through a quill, a bamboo tube, or,…
Read More - In lacquerwork: Europe
…the rococo, they modified these designs by introducing European figures, exotic animals such as monkeys, draperies and arabesques, and cartouches and ribbon compositions. Along with this transformation, in place of the conventional black and gold of the East Asian products, came a wide choice of background colours, including scarlet, yellow,…
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- mosaic art
- In mosaic: Principles of design
Between mosaic and painting, the art with which it has most in common, there has been a reciprocal influence of varying intensity. In colour and style the earliest known Greek figurative mosaics with representational motifs, which date from the end of the 5th century…
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- motion picture art
- In film: Film design
Under the heading of design, all the elements of a picture’s setting may be included—art direction, scenic composition, set design, costume, and makeup. At its simplest and most naturalistic, the camera can choose and frame ordinary people in a real location. At its most…
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- principles of design
- In painting: Elements and principles of design
The design of a painting is its visual format: the arrangement of its lines, shapes, colours, tones, and textures into an expressive pattern. It is the sense of inevitability in this formal organization that gives a great painting its self-sufficiency and presence.
Read More - In painting: Principles of design
Because painting is a two-dimensional art, the flat pattern of lines and shapes is an important aspect of design, even for those painters concerned with creating illusions of great depth. And, since any mark made on the painting surface can be perceived as a…
Read More - In painting: Symbolism
…generally reflect the narrative’s emotional mood (for example, vibrant, dark-blue, cloudy skies and embracing, purple-black glades evoking amorous anticipation and red grounds expressing the passions of love or war).
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- rugs and carpets
- In rug and carpet: Elements of design
Designs usually consist of an inner field—the pattern in the centre of the carpet—and a border. The latter serves, like the cornice on a building or the frame on a picture, to emphasize the limits, isolate the field, and sometimes…
Read More - In floor covering: Selection and preparation of design
Design creation or selection involves consideration of the range or limitations of the various methods of carpet manufacture. The number of colours that can be used for Jacquard Wilton and gripper Axminster are limited; spool and chenille Axminster allow unlimited colour range. Density tends…
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- typography and book design
- In typography: Typography as a useful art
…to the creation of binding designers as separate artists; it became not uncommon to find persons performing services as book designers and, as such, responsible for coordinating and leading the work of type designers, layout artists, binding designers—all who were in any way responsible for the appearance of the book…
Read More - In history of publishing: Design standards
As noted above, machine production had lowered standards of design. The English designer William Morris and his Kelmscott Press, however, had begun to work for better typography and book design in the 1890s; and his example had led to the establishment of other…
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