electronic vehicle game
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- electronic game
- arcade game
- combat vehicle game
- racing game
electronic vehicle game, electronic game genre in which players control vehicles, typically in races or combat against vehicles controlled by other players or the game itself.
Racing games
Arcade games
Pole Position (1982), created by Namco Limited of Japan and released in the United States by Atari Inc., was the first racing game to become a hit in arcades. The single-player game featured Formula 1 racing cars, 8-bit colour graphics, the race course used at Japan’s Fuji Speedway, and competition with several computer-controlled cars. The game has been ported to various home video game systems, as well as Apple Inc.’s iPhone. In 1987 Namco and Atari released Final Lap, a multiplayer sequel that ran on several 16-bit computer chips from Motorola, Inc.
Still greater adherence to realistic driving was achieved with the arrival of 32-bit arcade machines. Among the more popular of these newer games were Virtua Racing (1992), from the Sega Corporation of Japan, and Namco’s Ridge Racer (1993).
Home games
From the very beginning, auto racing games, often ported from early arcade consoles, were popular on 8-bit home video systems such as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES; 1983) and the Sega Master System (1985). With the launch of 16-bit home consoles, such as the Sega Genesis (1988) and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES; 1990), some long-lasting racing series were introduced. In particular, Nintendo’s Mario Kart series was launched with Super Mario Kart (1992), a go-kart racing game that has been upgraded in sequels for each of the company’s subsequent consoles.
The arrival of 32-bit home systems, such as the Sega Saturn (1994) and the Sony Corporation’s PlayStation (1994), signaled the first real challenge to the arcades for preeminence in racing games. Among the most successful—and realistic—series are Electronic Art’s Need for Speed (1994– ), which has been produced for all the major 32-bit and subsequent consoles, and Sony’s Grand Turismo (1997– ) for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2 (2000), and PlayStation 3 (2006) consoles.
In addition to straight racing games, car games with combat components have been around since Bally Midway’s Spy Hunter (1983), an arcade game in which the player chases and shoots at a spy while trying not to run over or shoot civilians on the roads. An example of an electronic adventure game with prominent automobile sequences is Rockstar Game’s multi-platform series Grand Theft Auto (1997– ), in which players often steal cars and try to elude police.
Combat games
One of the earliest combat vehicle games was Atari’s Tank (1974), a black-and-white arcade game for two people in which the players each used two joysticks to maneuver their tanks around an obstacle-strewn field while shooting at each other. Atari also produced two of the earliest arcade combat flight games—Pursuit (1975), a single-player simulation of World War I dogfights, and Jet Fighter (1975), a two-player game with more modern aircraft.
Combat vehicle games for personal computers and home video consoles almost always deliberately simplify the controls, though not always as much as arcade versions, in order to make them playable without lengthy training. One groundbreaking console title was B-17 Bomber for Mattel’s Intellivision system. Players crewed a B-17 Flying Fortress on bombing missions over Europe, switching between roles as navigator, bomber, pilot, and gunner as voices generated by a speech synthesizer alerted them to incoming fighters, flak, or an approaching target. Several popular aerial combat games have been based on movies. The best-known films adapted for game play include Top Gun (1986), released the following year as a licensed game by different companies for several types of home computers and the NES console, and Flight of the Intruder (1991), released by Mindscape in the same year as a licensed game for the NES.
With the arrival of the Internet, several multiplayer aerial combat games developed a following. Popular titles include HiTech Creation’s Aces High (2000) for PCs; Ubisoft’s IL-2 Sturmovik (2001) and Blazing Angels (2006) for PCs, Microsoft Corporation’s Xbox, the PlayStation 3, and Nintendo’s Wii; and Incognito Entertainment’s Warhawk (2007) for the PlayStation 3.
In addition to games based on real military vehicles, several games are based on players controlling or donning advanced machines from the world of science fiction. One of the most influential series is MechWarrior (1989– ), based on the board game BattleTech (1984), now owned by Topps, Inc. In addition to arcade versions, MechWarrior has been produced by different companies for PCs and home video consoles from Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft. TIE Fighter (1994), a space combat simulator from LucasArts, put players at the controls of one of the most recognizable ships in the Star Wars universe. The game’s precise controls, realistic flight mechanics, and engaging story line have led to its inclusion on many critics’ lists of the best games of all time.
William L. Hosch