Motor-performance physical fitness

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Five minutes of exercise a day could reduce dementia risk Feb. 24, 2025, 12:48 AM ET (The Telegraph)

Motor-performance fitness is defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system to perform specific tasks. Test items used to assess motor-performance fitness include chin-ups, sit-ups, the 50-yard dash, the standing long jump, and the shuttle run (a timed run in which the participant dashes back and forth between two points). The primary physical characteristics measured by these tests are the strength and endurance of the skeletal muscles and the speed or power of the legs. These traits are important for success in many types of athletics. Muscular strength and endurance are also related to some aspects of health, as stated above.

There is disagreement among experts about the relative importance of health-related and motor-performance physical fitness. While both types of fitness are obviously desirable, their relative values should be determined by an individual’s personal fitness objectives. If success in athletic events is of primary importance, motor-performance fitness should be emphasized. If concern about health is paramount, health-related fitness should be the focus. Different types of fitness may be important not only to different individuals but also to the same individual at different times. The 16-year-old competing on a school athletic team is likely to focus on motor performance. The typical middle-aged individual is not as likely to be concerned about athletic success, emphasizing instead health and appearance. One further point should be made: to a great extent, motor-performance physical fitness is determined by genetic potential. The person who can run fast at 10 years of age will be fast at age 17; although training may enhance racing performance, it will not appreciably change the individual’s genetically determined running speed. On the other hand, characteristics of health-related physical fitness, while also partly determined by inheritance, are much more profoundly influenced by exercise habits.

Principles of exercise training

Research in exercise training has led to the recognition of a number of general principles of conditioning. These principles must be applied to the development of a successful exercise program.


The principle of specificity derives from the observation that the adaptation of the body or change in physical fitness is specific to the type of training undertaken. Quite simply this means that if a fitness objective is to increase flexibility, then flexibility training must be used. If one desires to develop strength, resistance or strengthening exercises must be employed. This principle is indeed simple; however, it is frequently ignored. Many fraudulent claims for an exercise product or system promise overall physical fitness from one simple training technique. A person should be suspicious of such claims and should consider whether or not the exercise training recommended is the type that will produce the specific changes desired.


Overload, the second important principle, means that to improve any aspect of physical fitness the individual must continually increase the demands placed on the appropriate body systems. For example, to develop strength, progressively heavier objects must be lifted. Overload in running programs is achieved by running longer distances or by increasing the speed.


Individuals frequently make the mistake of attempting too rapid a fitness change. A classic example is that of the middle-aged man or woman who has done no exercise for 20 years and suddenly begins a vigorous training program. The result of such activity is frequently an injury or, at the least, stiffness and soreness. There are no hard-and-fast rules on how rapidly one should progress to a higher level of activity. The individual’s subjective impression of whether or not the body seems to be able to tolerate increased training serves as a good guide. In general it might be reasonable not to progress to higher levels of activity more often than every one or two weeks.

Warm-up/cool down

Another important practice to follow in an exercise program is to gradually start the exercise session and gradually taper off at the end. The warm-up allows various body systems to adjust to increased metabolic demands. The heart rate increases, blood flow increases, and muscle temperatures rise. Warming up is certainly a more comfortable way to begin an exercise session and is probably safer. Progressively more vigorous exercises or a gradual increase in walking speed are good ways to warm up. It is equally important to cool down—that is, to gradually reduce exercise intensity—at the end of each session. The abrupt cessation of vigorous exercise may cause blood to pool in the legs, which can cause fainting or, more seriously, can sometimes precipitate cardiac complications. Slow walking and stretching for five minutes at the end of an exercise session is therefore a good practice. The heart rate should gradually decline during the cool down, and by the end of the five minutes it should be less than 120 beats per minute for individuals under 50 years of age and less than 100 beats per minute for those over 50.

Frequency, intensity, and duration

To provide guidance on how much exercise an individual should do, exercise physiologists have developed equations based on research. It is generally agreed that to develop and maintain physical fitness, the exercise must be performed on a regular basis. A frequency of about every other day or three days per week appears minimally sufficient. Many individuals exercise more frequently than this, and, of course, such additional exercise is acceptable provided that one does not become overtrained and suffer illness or injury.

The intensity of exercise required to produce benefits has been the subject of much study. Many people have the impression that exercise is not doing any good unless it hurts. This is simply not true. Regular exercise at 45 to 50 percent of one’s maximal capacity is adequate to improve one’s physiological functioning and overall health. This level of intensity is generally comfortable for most individuals. A reliable way to gauge exercise intensity is to measure the heart rate during exercise. An exercise heart rate that is 65 percent of a person’s maximal heart rate corresponds to approximately 50 percent of his maximal capacity. Maximal heart rate can be estimated by subtracting one’s age in years from 220 (or, in the case of active males, by subtracting half of one’s age from 205). Thus, a sedentary 40-year-old man has an estimated maximal heart rate of 180 beats per minute. Sixty-five percent of this maximal rate is 117 beats per minute; thus by exercising at 117 beats per minute, this individual is working at about 50 percent of his maximal capacity. To determine exercising heart rate, a person should exercise for several minutes, to allow the heart rate to adjust. The exerciser should then stop exercising, quickly find the pulse, and count the number of beats for 15 seconds. Multiplying this by four gives the rate in beats per minute. The pulse must be taken immediately after stopping exercise, since the heart rate rapidly begins to return to the resting level after work has been stopped. As noted above, exercising at the 50 percent level of intensity will improve physiologic functioning and provide health benefits. This level of exercise will not produce the maximum fitness needed for competitive athletics.