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- phase in a chess game
- In chess: Development of theory
…in a chess game: the opening, where piece development and control of the centre predominate; the middlegame, where maneuvering in defense and attack against the opponent’s king or weaknesses occurs; and the endgame, where, generally after several piece exchanges, pawn promotion becomes the dominant theme. Chess theory consists of opening…
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chess theory
- Hypermodernism
- In chess: Hypermodernism
…a new approach to the opening. The two leading members of the new school, Réti and Nimzowitsch, attacked Tarrasch’s emphasis on building a solid centre in the first dozen moves, starting with 1 e4 or 1 d4. Réti often began a game with 1 Nf3 and did not advance more…
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- Soviet school of chess
- In chess: The Soviet school
…about the centre by analyzing openings to find dynamic, tactical play regardless of pawn coordination or centre control. For example, David Bronstein and Isaac Boleslavsky showed in the King’s Indian Defense how White could be allowed a free rein to occupy the centre by advancing the c-, d-, e-, and…
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