Network routing
- Also called:
- operational research
- Key People:
- Charles Babbage
- George Dantzig
- Related Topics:
- systems engineering
- industrial engineering
- queuing theory
- management
- On the Web:
- Cambridge Core - Operational Research Approaches (Feb. 01, 2025)
A network may be defined by a set of points, or “nodes,” that are connected by lines, or “links.” A way of going from one node (the “origin”) to another (the “destination”) is called a “route” or “path.” Links, which may be one-way or two-way, are usually characterized by the time, cost, or distance required to traverse them. The time or cost of traveling in different directions on the same link may differ.
A network routing problem consists of finding an optimum route between two or more nodes in relation to total time, cost, or distance. Various constraints may exist, such as a prohibition on returning to a node already visited or a stipulation of passing through every node only once.
Network routing problems commonly arise in communication and transportation systems. Delays that occur at the nodes (e.g., railroad classification yards or telephone switchboards) may be a function of the loads placed on them and their capacities. Breakdowns may occur in either links or nodes. Much studied is the “traveling salesman problem,” which consists of starting a route from a designated node that goes through each node (e.g., city) only once and returns to the origin in the least time, cost, or distance. This problem arises in selecting an order for processing a set of production jobs when the cost of setting up each job depends on which job has preceded it. In this case the jobs can be thought of as nodes, each of which is connected to all of the others, with setup costs as the analogue of distances between them. The order that yields the least total setup cost is therefore equivalent to a solution to the traveling salesman problem. The complexity of the calculations is such that even with the use of computers it is very costly to handle more than 20 nodes. Less costly approximating procedures are available, however. More typical routing problems involve getting from one place to another in the least time, cost, or distance. Both graphic and analytic procedures are available for finding such routes.
Competitive problems
Competitive problems deal with choice in interactive situations where the outcome of one decision maker’s choice depends on the choice, either helpful or harmful, of one or more others. Examples of these are war, marketing, and bidding for contracts. Competitive problems are classifiable as certain, risky, or uncertain, depending on the state of a decision maker’s knowledge of his opponent’s choices. Under conditions of certainty, it is easy to maximize gain or minimize loss. Competitive problems of the risk type require the use of statistical analysis for their solution; the most difficult aspect of solving such problems usually lies in estimating the probabilities of the competitor’s choices; for example, in bidding for a contract on which competitors and their bids are unknown.
The theory of games was developed to deal with a large class of competitive situations of the uncertainty type in which each participant knows what choices he and each other participant has. There is a well-defined “end state” that terminates the interaction (e.g., win, lose, or draw), and the payoffs associated with each end state are specified in advance and are known to each participant. In situations in which all the alternatives are open to competition, or some of their outcomes are not known in advance, operational gaming can sometimes be used. The military have long constructed operational games; their use by business is more recent.
Search problems
Search problems involve finding the best way to obtain information needed for a decision. Though every problem contains a search problem in one sense, situations exist in which search itself is the essential process; for example, in auditing accounts, inspection and quality control procedures, in exploration for minerals, in the design of information systems, and in military problems involving the location of such threats as enemy ships, aircraft, mines, and missiles.
Two kinds of error are involved in search: those of observation and those of sampling. Observational errors, in turn, are of two general types: commission, seeing something that is not there; and omission, not seeing something that is there. In general, as the chance of making one of these errors is decreased, the chance of making the other is increased. Furthermore, if fixed resources are available for search, the larger the sample (and hence the smaller the sampling error), the less resources available per observation (and hence the larger the observational error).
The cost of search is composed of setup or design cost, cost of observations, cost of analyzing the data obtained, and cost of error. The objective is to minimize these costs by manipulating the sample size (amount of observation), the sample design (how the things or places to be observed are selected), and the way of analyzing the data (the inferential procedure).
Almost all branches of statistics provide useful techniques for solving search problems. In search problems that involve the location of physical objects, particularly those that move, physics and some fields of mathematics (e.g., geometry and trigonometry) are also applicable.
A “reversed-search” problem arises when the search procedure is not under control but the object of the search is. Most retailers, for example, cannot control the manner in which customers search for goods in their stores, but they can control the location of the goods. This type of problem also arises in the design of libraries and information systems, and in laying land and sea mines. These, too, are search problems, and solution techniques described above are applicable to them.
Frontiers of operations research
Operations research is a rapidly developing application of the scientific method to organizational problems. Its growth has consisted of both technical development and enlargement of the class of organized systems and the class of problems to which it is applied.
Strategic problems
Tactics and strategy are relative concepts. The distinction between them depends on three considerations: (1) the longer the effect of a decision and the less reversible it is, the more strategic it is; (2) the larger the portion of a system that is affected by a decision, the more strategic it is; and (3) the more concerned a decision is with the selection of goals and objectives, as well as the means by which they are to be obtained, the more strategic it is.
Strategy and tactics are separable only in thought, not in action. Every tactical decision involves a strategic choice, no matter how implicit and unconscious it may be. Since the strategic aspects of decisions are usually suppressed, an organization’s strategy often emerges as an accidental consequence of its tactical decisions.
Operations research is becoming increasingly concerned with strategic decisions and the development of explicit strategies for organizations so as to improve the quality of their tactical decisions and make even the most immediate and urgent of these contribute to its long-run goals.