Later developments
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Phenomenology of essences
A different type of phenomenology, the phenomenology of essences, developed from a tangential continuation of that of the Logische Untersuchungen. Its supporters were Husserl’s students in Göttingen and a group of young philosophers in Munich, originally students of Theodor Lipps, a Munich psychologist and philosopher—students who had turned away from Lipp’s psychologism and discovered powerful support in Husserl. The phenomenological movement, which then began to take shape, found its most tangible expression in the publication of the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung (1913–30), a phenomenological yearbook with Husserl as its main editor, the preface of which defined phenomenology in terms of a return to intuition (Anschauung) and to the essential insights (Wesenseinsichten) derived from it as the ultimate foundation of all philosophy.
The 11 volumes of the Jahrbuch contained, in addition to Husserl’s own works, the most important fruits of the movement in its broader application. Of the coeditors, Alexander Pfänder contributed chiefly to the development of phenomenological psychology and pure logic but developed also the outlines of a complete phenomenological philosophy. Moritz Geiger applied the new approach particularly to aesthetics and Adolf Reinach to the philosophy of law. The most original and dynamic of Husserl’s early associates, however, was Max Scheler, who had joined the Munich group and who did his major phenomenological work on problems of value and obligation. A Polish philosopher, Roman Ingarden, did major work in structural ontology and analyzed the structures of various works of art in its light; Hedwig Conrad-Martius, a cosmic realist at the University of Munich, worked intensively in the ontology of nature; and others made comparable contributions in other fields of philosophy. None of these early phenomenologists, however, followed Husserl’s road to transcendental idealism, and some tried to develop a phenomenology along the lines of realism.
Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology
Martin Heidegger, one of Germany’s foremost philosophers of the first half of the 20th century, was inspired to philosophy through Brentano’s work Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles (1862; On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle). While he was still studying theology, from 1910 to 1911, Heidegger encountered Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen. From then on he pursued the course of phenomenology with the greatest interest, and from 1916 he belonged to the narrow circle of students and followers of the movement. The typical character of the phenomenological intuition was at that time the focus of Husserl’s seminar exercises. To be sure, there appeared very early a difference between Husserl and Heidegger. Discussing and absorbing the works of the important philosophers in the history of metaphysics was, for Heidegger, an indispensable task, whereas Husserl repeatedly stressed the significance of a radically new beginning and—with few exceptions (among them Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, and Kant)—wished to bracket the history of philosophy.
Heidegger’s basic work, Sein und Zeit (1927; Being and Time), which was dedicated to Husserl, strongly acknowledged that its author was indebted to phenomenology. In it, phenomenology was understood as a methodological concept—a concept that was conceived by Heidegger in an original way and resulted from his questioning back to the meanings of the Greek concepts of phainomenon and logos. Phainomenon is “that which shows itself from itself,” but together with the concept of logos it means “to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in the very way in which it shows itself from itself.” This conception of phenomenology, which relied more on Aristotle than on Husserl, constituted a change that was later to lead to an estrangement between Husserl and Heidegger, for in Sein und Zeit there is no longer a phenomenological reduction, a transcendental ego, or an intuition of essences in Husserl’s sense. Heidegger’s new beginning was, at the same time, a resumption of the basic question of philosophy: that concerning the meaning (Sinn) of Being. His manner of questioning can be defined as hermeneutical in that it proceeds from the interpretation of the human situation. What he thematized is thus the explanation of what is already understood.
At the heart of Sein und Zeit lies Heidegger’s analysis of the one (the human individual) who asks the question—who is capable of asking the question—concerning Being, who precisely through this capability occupies a privileged position in regard to all other beings—viz., that of Dasein (literally, “being there”). By conceiving of Dasein as being-in-the-world, Heidegger made the ancient problem concerning the relationship between subject and object superfluous. The basic structures of Dasein are primordial moodness (Befindlichkeit), understanding (Verstehen), and logos (Rede). These structures are, in turn, founded in the temporalization of Dasein, from which future, having-been (past), and present originate. The two basic possibilities of human existing (from the Latin ex and sistere, “standing out from”) are those in which Dasein either comes to its self (called authenticity) or loses itself (called inauthenticity); Dasein is inauthentic, for example, when it lets the possibilities of the choice for its own “ek-sisting” be given to it by others instead of deciding for itself. Heidegger’s concept of care (Sorge, cura) has nothing to do with distress (Bekümmernis) but includes the unity of the articulated moments of humanity’s being-in-the-world.
The hermeneutic character of Heidegger’s thought manifested itself also in his interpretation of poetry, in which he discovered a congenial spirit in Friedrich Hölderlin, one of Germany’s greater poets, of whose work he inaugurated a completely new interpretation; but it manifested itself equally in his interpretation of metaphysics, which Heidegger tried to envision as an occurrence determined by the forgottenness of Being, an occurrence in the centre of which humanity finds itself and of which the clearest manifestation is to be found in “technicity,” the modern attempt to dominate the Earth by controlling beings that are considered as objects.
The concept of transcendental consciousness, which was central for Husserl, is not found in Heidegger—which clearly shows how Heidegger, in Sein und Zeit, had already dissociated himself from Husserl’s phenomenology.
Other developments
Eugen Fink, for several years Husserl’s collaborator, whose essay “Die phänomenologische Philosophie Edmund Husserls in der gegenwärtigen Kritik” (1933) led to a radicalization of Husserl’s philosophical, transcendental idealism, later turned in another direction, one that approached Heidegger’s position and divorced itself at the same time from that of Husserl.
Ludwig Landgrebe, who was Husserl’s personal assistant for many years, published in 1939 Erfahrung und Urteil (Experience and Judgment), the first of Husserl’s posthumous works devoted to the genealogy of logic. Among German-language scholars, Landgrebe remained closest to Husserl’s original views and developed them consistently in several works.