As an aspect of human rights, the concept of prisoners’ rights has been upheld by a number of international declarations and national constitutions. The underlying assumption—that people who are detained or imprisoned do not cease to be human beings, no matter how serious the associated crime—was expressed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10, which states, “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.” This rests on the principle that the deprivation of liberty (that is, imprisonment) is the operative punishment and that it should not be augmented by unnecessarily restrictive conditions.
The implications of this principle have been recognized by many countries. In the United States, for example, prisoners may bring legal action under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution—notably the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishments” and the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantees of due process and equal protection of the laws. In some cases, courts have ordered state prison administrators to make major improvements in prison conditions and disciplinary procedures or to close down particular institutions. In Europe, prisoners have the right to take cases to the European Court of Human Rights, but they may also utilize national courts.
Intergovernmental organizations (such as the United Nations) and nongovernmental organizations (such as Amnesty International) have lobbied worldwide in defense of prisoners’ rights, such as the right to expect personal safety and security while in prison. Prison authorities are particularly responsible for ensuring the safety of those most likely to be attacked or abused by fellow prisoners; these include former law enforcement officers sentenced for corruption (or similar crimes) and those guilty of sexual offenses against children. In some systems, such offenders have been put in solitary confinement for their own protection. Prison administrators are also responsible for protecting the racial, cultural, and religious rights of prisoners.
Alternatives to prison
In most criminal justice systems the majority of offenders are dealt with by means other than custody—that is, by fines and other financial penalties, probation, supervision, or orders to make reparation in some practical form to the community.
The most common penalty is the fine. For example, in the 1980s in England, about four-fifths of all defendants found guilty of crimes were fined. The imposition of a fine acts as a simple penalty that avoids the disadvantages of many other forms of sentence. It is inexpensive to administer and avoids the associated consequences, such as social stigma and job loss, that may follow imprisonment. However, fines are essentially regressive, meaning that they may be less burdensome for affluent offenders than for less affluent ones. There is the additional possibility that the convicted offender lacks the financial resources, or earns such a small income, that he cannot pay anything more than a minimal fine. In response to this problem, some countries (notably Sweden) have allowed the court to calculate a fine based on a number of days’ earnings.
Enforcement of fines can be problematic. Some offenders who are fined have to be brought back to court for nonpayment. If an offender fails to pay a fine as a result of willful neglect or culpable default, he may be committed to prison, or his property can be seized and sold, while a garnishment order can be used to obtain any funds in a bank account. The length of time for which an offender may be committed to prison for deliberate nonpayment of a fine depends on the amount outstanding, though in some cases this involves very short periods (such as one to two weeks). If offenders are able to pay the outstanding amount, they can gain immediate release, and if they pay a portion of the fine, the term of imprisonment can be reduced proportionately.
Related to the fine is an order to pay restitution (also known by the term compensation), which has been a popular alternative to punitive sentencing in some countries. Instead of emphasizing punishment of the offender, however, most restitution programs are intended to assist or compensate the victims of crime. Victims of violent crime in some jurisdictions, including Great Britain, Australia, and Canada, are entitled to restitution from public funds, even in cases where the offender is identified and can afford to pay restitution. Generally, this type of program is administered by a criminal-injuries compensation board, to which the victim must present evidence of the violence and the resulting extent of loss. When restitution is required of the offender, it often amounts to payment for loss of property, repayment of stolen money, or payment for medical costs stemming from injury.