social security tax
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analysis of progressive taxes
- In progressive tax
For example, social security taxes in the United States are levied only up to an inflation-adjusted wage cap, meaning that wages beyond the cap are free of this particular tax. Considered on its own, then, the social security tax appears regressive because low-wage earners pay proportionately more…
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role in government revenue
- In government budget: The composition of tax revenues
Social security taxes are important throughout Europe, raising about 30 percent of all revenue in Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, and Italy and rather more in Germany and the Netherlands. The Scandinavian countries, Ireland, and the United Kingdom rely less on these taxes, which are not…
Read More - In government budget: The balance between taxes
Social security taxes have everywhere risen in importance, partly as a result of the growth of social security expenditures but also because their association with the benefits received, however loose, reduces the unpopularity of increases. Income taxes tended to increase in many countries until the…
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