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history of
- anti-Semitism
- In anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism in medieval Europe
…some Jews became prominent in trade, banking, and moneylending, and Jews’ economic and cultural successes tended to arouse the envy of the populace. This economic resentment, allied with traditional religious prejudice, prompted the forced expulsion of Jews from several countries and regions, including England (1290), France (14th century), Germany (1350s),…
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- Plains Indians
- In Plains Indian: Material culture and trade
Trade between members of different tribes was common and often involved an exchange of products between nomads and villagers, as in the trade of buffalo robes for corn. Intertribal trading relationships were often smoothed by the practice of ritual adoption, as when two men or…
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- ship and shipping
- In ship: 17th-century developments
…the emergence of the eastern trade about 1600 the merchant ship had grown impressively. The Venetian buss was rapidly supplanted by another Venetian ship, the cog. A buss of 240 tons with lateen sails was required by maritime statutes of Venice to be manned by a crew of 50 sailors.…
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