- Related Topics:
- realism
- nominalism
- term
- particular
- conceptualism
The distinction between plenitudinous and sparse theories of universals (a distinction that cuts across the distinction between Platonic and Aristotelian realism) did not become a major issue in philosophy until the 20th century. According to the plenitudinous view, there is a universal corresponding to almost every predicative expression in any language—including not only relatively natural predicates, such as “…is red,” “…is round,” and “…is a dog,” but also more-complex and less-natural predicates, such as “…is either red or round or a dog.” Sparse theories posit universals only for certain very special predicates, typically those used in the fundamental theories of physics, such as “…is an electron” and “…has negative charge.”
At least two sorts of arguments for the existence of universals support the conclusion that, in the words of G.E. Moore (1873–1958), “if there are any at all, there are tremendous numbers of them.” Arguments of the first sort claim that a plenitude of universals is a logical consequence of a resolute opposition to idealism, according to which reality is in some fundamental way mental or mind-dependent. Arguments of the second sort find a plenitude of universals behind the phenomenon of “abstract reference.”
Plenitudes from anti-idealism
The logical realism of Frege, Russell, and Moore
The term “realism” is sometimes used to mean anti-idealism. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several of the philosophers who made major advances in formal logic (most importantly Frege and Russell) were realists in this sense, in part because they held that the entities studied by logic are objective and mind-independent. Most other philosophers and psychologists during this period, however, believed that the subject matter of logic consists of thoughts or judgments and is therefore subjective and mind-dependent, a conception that fitted nicely with idealist metaphysics. In opposition to this view, Frege, who identified thoughts with the meanings of sentences in a logical or natural language, pointed out that more than one person can have the very same thought and that many of the thoughts that people have would be true or false whether or not there were in fact people to have them. (The German mathematician Bernhard Bolzano also made this point.) For these reasons, thoughts must be objective (shareable by many persons) and mind-independent. Russell and Moore called thoughts in this sense “propositions.”
Whereas an idealist would take propositions to be made up of ideas, Russell and Moore insisted that propositions contain the very things in the world that the sentences expressing them are about. Attention to the logical forms of sentences suggested an argument for plenitudes of universals based on this theory of propositions.
The new logic pioneered by Frege and Russell divided all meaningful sentences into names (“Jones,” “World War II,” “New York”), predicates (“…is red,” “…runs,” “…is to the left of…”), and various logical connectives and operators (“and,” “or,” “not,” and the existential and universal quantifiers: “For some…,” or “There is [at least one]…,” and “For all…,” or “Everything is…”). The nonlogical parts of sentences—i.e., the names and predicates—introduce the subject matter of a sentence, the things in the world that it is about. A name can refer to the same individual in various sentences, and so the same individual can be a part of many propositions. A predicate too can be used in different sentences to mean the same thing. Russell and Moore concluded that a meaningful predicate also must stand for a thing that can be part of many propositions. Since a predicate can be true of many different things, what a predicate stands for must be a universal—i.e., something that characterizes many individuals.
It follows from this line of reasoning that there is a universal corresponding to each predicate (or set of synonymous predicates) in a language. The forms of predication suggest important distinctions between universals. One-place predicates, such as “…is round,” can be converted into a sentence with the addition of only one name, so they express monadic universals exemplified by single things. Two-place predicates, such as “…is next to…,” require two names to turn them into a full sentence, so they express relational universals exemplified by pairs. More-complex predicates correspond to relational universals exemplified by larger numbers of things.
Nominalist criticism
Nominalists were not impressed by the claim that, if subject-predicate sentences are to be about the real world, there must be an entity in the world referred to by each predicate. A person who sincerely utters a sentence such as “Jones is hungry” or “Robinson is next to Smith” seems to be committed to the existence of entities corresponding to the names “Jones,” “Robinson,” and “Smith.” In other words, normally one could infer from these utterances that there exists something (namely, Jones) that is hungry and that there exist two things (namely, Robinson and Smith) that are next to each other. But are similar inferences warranted concerning the predicates? It is unclear that the parallel existence claims even make sense. Certainly, one cannot say: “there exists something (namely, … is hungry) that Jones is” or “there exists something (namely, … is next to …) that Robinson and Smith are.”
The predicates can be nominalized, resulting in “hunger” and “being next to,” which do seem like proper names for universals. Frege, Russell, and Moore thought that a predicate such as “…is hungry” in the sentence “Jones is hungry” represents a universal, in this case hunger, which is part of the subject matter of the proposition expressed by the sentence. In that case, “Jones is hungry” would imply “there exists something (namely, the universal hunger) that Jones has or exemplifies.” But then what of the new relational predicates “…has…” and “…exemplifies…”? Insistence upon treating all predicates as though they were like names in this way would justify drawing the further conclusion, “there is something (namely, the relational universal exemplification) that holds between Jones and the universal hunger.” Again, however, the new relational predicate “…holds between…and…” must be treated in the same way. The realist is now faced with an infinite regress, which leads to a dilemma: either every truth implies an infinite series of relational universals, or there are meaningful predicates that can be used to characterize things without commitment to corresponding universals.
A few brave realists—e.g., Russell—accepted the infinite series, but most did not. If the infinite series is rejected, however, then the Russell-Moore argument for universals from anti-idealism is seriously weakened. Once the realist admits that not all predicates need universals in order to be meaningful, it is open to the nominalist to ask why any predicate does.
Despite this difficulty, anti-idealism continues to inspire arguments for the existence of a plenitude of universals. Both Bealer and the Austrian-born philosopher Gustav Bergmann noted the fundamental subject-predicate structure of thought, and each gave a unique argument from anti-idealism to the conclusion that there are genuine, mind-independent universals corresponding to most predicates.