White-collar crime represents one of the fastest-growing types of crime in the world. Nearly every category of white-collar crime has increased in incidence in recent years. For example, over the course of two years in the early 21st century, annual losses from fraudulent use of identity rose by more than $300 million in the United States. (See Identity theft and invasion of privacy.) Likewise, while the number of almost every other type of civil lawsuit in the United States decreased around the turn of the 21st century, the number of government and private lawsuits for white-collar crimes more than doubled during the same time period.
This represented a trend, begun in the late 20th century, of a number of highly visible white-collar prosecutions in the United States. They included the prosecution of financiers Ivan Boesky (1986) and Michael Milken (1990) for billions of dollars in securities fraud, the convictions of banker Charles Keating (1992 and 1993) for having looted his own savings and loan (S&L), ultimately touching off what became known as the “S&L Crisis,” and the guilty plea entered by Enron Corp.’s chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow (2004), on charges of having manipulated off-balance-sheet transactions (in this case, of having concealed the company’s debt obligations by transferring them to offshore partnerships), which led to Enron’s collapse. In an associated case, Enron’s accounting firm, Arthur Andersen LLP, was convicted of obstruction of justice (2002; overturned in 2005), which caused the firm to go out of business.
Similar cases have occurred throughout the world. In February 1995, Barings Bank in London collapsed as a result of deceptions practiced over three years by one of its futures traders. In Canada, two people pleaded guilty in 2001 to having bilked financial institutions, including the Royal Bank, out of $92 million by creating 52 fake leases for nonexistent medical equipment.
Although white-collar crime has traditionally been viewed as less serious than other types of crime (largely because it does not involve physical violence), by the late 20th century there was a growing recognition of the significant harm it causes. In a single year, for example, nearly $500 million in restitution was awarded to victims of white-collar crimes.
The cost of corporate crime to society is many times that of organized crime or the more common street crime. Moreover, it cannot be measured in monetary damages alone, because corporate crimes can also pose health risks, compromise safety, cause injuries or fatalities, bring harm to wildlife and the environment, and lead to organizational failures and associated job losses. Owing to the concealed nature of many frauds and the fact that few are reported even when discovered, their cost is impossible to estimate precisely, but in the United States it is thought to be at least 10 times the combined cost of thefts, burglaries, and robberies. When compared with crimes committed by juveniles or the poor, corporate crimes are very rarely prosecuted in the criminal courts, and, despite many well-publicized convictions of corporate leaders found guilty of wrongdoing, executives rarely go to jail, though some companies may pay large fines.