Finding prehistoric family ties with modern DNA

Finding prehistoric family ties with modern DNA
View researchers at the anthropological institute in Göttingen studying DNA taken from Bronze Age skeletons found in the Lichtenstein Cave, Harz mountains, northern Germany.
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NARRATOR: The Lichtenstein Cave in the Harz Mountains. It was here that researchers found bones and entire skeletons. They were in the damp cave for millennia and were covered by a layer of gypsum sinter. This natural preservation kept the DNA in the skeletons from decaying, a stroke of luck for scientists. The Anthropological Institute in Göttingen - Dr. Susanne Hummel is the resident expert on ancient DNA. She wants to find out what secrets these bones hold.
Modern-day anthropologists need no more than several milligrams of bone material to isolate the DNA. The initial results show that the bones are those of 40 healthy, well-nourished people who lived during prehistoric times. The 3000-year-old DNA becomes visible when illuminated with UV rays. A surprise is brought to light.
SUSANNE HUMMEL: "The unique thing about the Lichtenstein Cave is that we were actually able to identify a large family, a clan, thanks to the DNA analysis. And the members of the clan found there stem from at least three different generations. That means we have been able to identify the generations of grandparents, their children and their grandchildren."
NARRATOR: This is oldest genetic family tree ever documented in the world. The scientists want to create a 3D reconstruction of one of the people. The first reconstruction - special DNA markers provide the researchers with hints about these Bronze Age people's skin type and eye and hair color.
The old villages at the base of the Lichtenstein in the Harz Mountains - might it be possible to find modern-day inhabitants in these settlements with similar DNA makeup? Comparison with international genetics databases reveal that the people in the Lichtenstein Cave have very specific genetic codes. Can the researchers still find inhabitants with the same code today? The researchers devise a plan. They ask residents in the villages surrounding the Lichtenstein to provide them with saliva samples. Around 300 people from families who have lived here for many generations volunteer. Tests are run to see if they are related to the Bronze Age inhabitants.
HUMMEL: "The amazing thing is that we actually found three people in the area whose genetic codes are nearly identical to those of the people from one of the family's found in the Lichtenstein Cave. So we were able to find three direct ancestors of the nuclear family found in the Lichtenstein cave, Mr. Lange, Mr. Huchthausen and his son."
NARRATOR: The first encounter with their prehistoric ancestors - the masks are to ensure that the ancient and modern DNA don't intermingle. The descendants of the people in the Lichtenstein Cave have confirmation of a family connection that extends back to before the birth of Christ. These family ties go back 120 generations - bringing family together from past millenia, all due to science.
Modern-day anthropologists need no more than several milligrams of bone material to isolate the DNA. The initial results show that the bones are those of 40 healthy, well-nourished people who lived during prehistoric times. The 3000-year-old DNA becomes visible when illuminated with UV rays. A surprise is brought to light.
SUSANNE HUMMEL: "The unique thing about the Lichtenstein Cave is that we were actually able to identify a large family, a clan, thanks to the DNA analysis. And the members of the clan found there stem from at least three different generations. That means we have been able to identify the generations of grandparents, their children and their grandchildren."
NARRATOR: This is oldest genetic family tree ever documented in the world. The scientists want to create a 3D reconstruction of one of the people. The first reconstruction - special DNA markers provide the researchers with hints about these Bronze Age people's skin type and eye and hair color.
The old villages at the base of the Lichtenstein in the Harz Mountains - might it be possible to find modern-day inhabitants in these settlements with similar DNA makeup? Comparison with international genetics databases reveal that the people in the Lichtenstein Cave have very specific genetic codes. Can the researchers still find inhabitants with the same code today? The researchers devise a plan. They ask residents in the villages surrounding the Lichtenstein to provide them with saliva samples. Around 300 people from families who have lived here for many generations volunteer. Tests are run to see if they are related to the Bronze Age inhabitants.
HUMMEL: "The amazing thing is that we actually found three people in the area whose genetic codes are nearly identical to those of the people from one of the family's found in the Lichtenstein Cave. So we were able to find three direct ancestors of the nuclear family found in the Lichtenstein cave, Mr. Lange, Mr. Huchthausen and his son."
NARRATOR: The first encounter with their prehistoric ancestors - the masks are to ensure that the ancient and modern DNA don't intermingle. The descendants of the people in the Lichtenstein Cave have confirmation of a family connection that extends back to before the birth of Christ. These family ties go back 120 generations - bringing family together from past millenia, all due to science.