Study a prairie dog colony, breeding habits, and response to predators in the North American plains

Study a prairie dog colony, breeding habits, and response to predators in the North American plains
Colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are easily spotted by the large mounds of dirt protecting the entrances of the burrows. Young prairie dogs explore the area around the burrow for food.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: Large prairie dog colonies, scattered across the North American prairie, can be spotted easily. Scuttling across the open fields, in and out of burrows, are the prairie dogs. The burrows are far underground, some up to 14 feet deep, and only the entrance—a large mound of dirt—is visible at ground level.
Mounds help keep the burrows dry and provide an elevated spot from which the prairie dogs can look out.
Prairie dogs breed in the spring, with females bearing litters of up to 10 young. The young prairie dogs are adventurous, exploring the area around the burrow for seeds and grasses to eat.
A passing snake, hunting for a meal, alarms them and sends them scurrying into their burrow.
A sharp, barklike call signals that the danger is past.
Mounds help keep the burrows dry and provide an elevated spot from which the prairie dogs can look out.
Prairie dogs breed in the spring, with females bearing litters of up to 10 young. The young prairie dogs are adventurous, exploring the area around the burrow for seeds and grasses to eat.
A passing snake, hunting for a meal, alarms them and sends them scurrying into their burrow.
A sharp, barklike call signals that the danger is past.