Investigate how segments of Brazil's Amazon Rainforest are cleared for lumber, agriculture, and grazing

Investigate how segments of Brazil's Amazon Rainforest are cleared for lumber, agriculture, and grazing
Damage to the Amazon rainforest caused by burning and cutting.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: More and more rainforest is cleared as a way of solving growing problems. And the needs of tomorrow lose to the needs of today, whether for more housing, or roads, or lumber, or farmland, or pasture.
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So many fires burn at once that the smoke can be seen by satellites in space.
Several years after a burn, the soil is suitable only for grass and cattle grazing. The rainforest does not return.
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So many fires burn at once that the smoke can be seen by satellites in space.
Several years after a burn, the soil is suitable only for grass and cattle grazing. The rainforest does not return.
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