Visit Rurutu, French Polynesia, and watch humpback whales

Visit Rurutu, French Polynesia, and watch humpback whales
Humpback-whale watching at Rurutu, French Polynesia.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Rurutu in the South Pacific – a bizarre volcanic island where humpback whales congregate every single summer. Rurutu is part of French Polynesia and, far from the disruption of shipping routes, belongs to a unique protection zone for marine mammals. The island is tiny, just 10 kilometers long and five kilometers wide, but it forms a major staging post in the epic annual migration patterns of humpback whales. When winter arrives in their Antarctic hunting grounds, they come here to the warm waters around Rurutu until summer returns to the Antarctic.
Rurutu is relatively unknown compared to most South Pacific islands. Getting there is anything but straight forward and the island itself lacks the glamorous charm that attracts tourists. But its untouched wilderness is hard to beat. Just a few flights a week bring handfuls of adventurous travellers to the island. A four-wheel-drive is a must on the rough roads that are liable to instability in bad weather.
In the harbor of Avera, fishermen offer whale-watching tours for those hardy enough to have made it this far. But they don’t offer any guarantees of actually seeing a whale. That is a matter of luck. But this time they’ve spotted a mother with her calf. Adult whales are very cautious. But while the mother is having a rest, the calf becomes very curious. Even though this is only a calf and nowhere near its mother’s massive size, keeping a safe distance is still absolutely essential. For whale watchers this is practically the only chance to spend any time in the immediate vicinity of a whale. Adult animals tend to move on as soon as a certain safety distance has been crossed. But this mother allows her baby to play with the divers, a rare spectacle.
In the past, the island’s inhabitants had a special way of predicting the whales’ arrival in their waters. They watched the so-called whale tree. Apparently, when the whale tree flowers, it signals the start of the whale season in Rurutu. Between the whale tours, visitors can sample island life. Just like anywhere else, the young people of Rurutu enjoy some noisy past-times. But most of the time, life on the island is quiet and calm. Local women still engage in traditional arts and crafts. They weave floor mats and wall decorations following ancient traditions. The children spend much of their time at the harbor, already at home in the sea.
Sometimes, it’s even possible to see passing whales from the shore. But approaching the whales with a boat is not allowed. Only if the whale decides to come close, is an intimate encounter possible. Diving with equipment is also prohibited in their vicinity, since the noisy air tanks would disturb the animals. This footage was filmed using noiseless rebreather technology. The Polynesian government issued a special filming permission. As a result, we can witness these peaceful giants up-close and in their element.
Sometimes, it's possible to hear the whales before you can see them. Male humpback whales sing during their mating season, perhaps to attract females or to warn rival males to stay out of their way. Singing whales take on a very distinctive posture. They stand almost vertically in the water column, head down and pectoral fins extended. Scientists have discovered that every whale population has its own distinctive songs. And these songs can be heard over hundreds of kilometers. The different sounds combine to form separate verses, which are repeated in a certain sequence and constantly developed further.
Whale cows are accompanied by their calves, which have been born in these waters. Sometimes a bull stays with them for protection. And although these whales are usually solitary, here at Rurutu it's not unusual to find them in groups. Not many people are lucky enough to meet these gentle giants this intimately. It’s the experience of a lifetime. Come October, the whales will be on the move once again to return to their Antarctic hunting grounds thousands of kilometers away. Then, the waters around Rurutu become quiet once again. Until the whales return again next year.
Rurutu is relatively unknown compared to most South Pacific islands. Getting there is anything but straight forward and the island itself lacks the glamorous charm that attracts tourists. But its untouched wilderness is hard to beat. Just a few flights a week bring handfuls of adventurous travellers to the island. A four-wheel-drive is a must on the rough roads that are liable to instability in bad weather.
In the harbor of Avera, fishermen offer whale-watching tours for those hardy enough to have made it this far. But they don’t offer any guarantees of actually seeing a whale. That is a matter of luck. But this time they’ve spotted a mother with her calf. Adult whales are very cautious. But while the mother is having a rest, the calf becomes very curious. Even though this is only a calf and nowhere near its mother’s massive size, keeping a safe distance is still absolutely essential. For whale watchers this is practically the only chance to spend any time in the immediate vicinity of a whale. Adult animals tend to move on as soon as a certain safety distance has been crossed. But this mother allows her baby to play with the divers, a rare spectacle.
In the past, the island’s inhabitants had a special way of predicting the whales’ arrival in their waters. They watched the so-called whale tree. Apparently, when the whale tree flowers, it signals the start of the whale season in Rurutu. Between the whale tours, visitors can sample island life. Just like anywhere else, the young people of Rurutu enjoy some noisy past-times. But most of the time, life on the island is quiet and calm. Local women still engage in traditional arts and crafts. They weave floor mats and wall decorations following ancient traditions. The children spend much of their time at the harbor, already at home in the sea.
Sometimes, it’s even possible to see passing whales from the shore. But approaching the whales with a boat is not allowed. Only if the whale decides to come close, is an intimate encounter possible. Diving with equipment is also prohibited in their vicinity, since the noisy air tanks would disturb the animals. This footage was filmed using noiseless rebreather technology. The Polynesian government issued a special filming permission. As a result, we can witness these peaceful giants up-close and in their element.
Sometimes, it's possible to hear the whales before you can see them. Male humpback whales sing during their mating season, perhaps to attract females or to warn rival males to stay out of their way. Singing whales take on a very distinctive posture. They stand almost vertically in the water column, head down and pectoral fins extended. Scientists have discovered that every whale population has its own distinctive songs. And these songs can be heard over hundreds of kilometers. The different sounds combine to form separate verses, which are repeated in a certain sequence and constantly developed further.
Whale cows are accompanied by their calves, which have been born in these waters. Sometimes a bull stays with them for protection. And although these whales are usually solitary, here at Rurutu it's not unusual to find them in groups. Not many people are lucky enough to meet these gentle giants this intimately. It’s the experience of a lifetime. Come October, the whales will be on the move once again to return to their Antarctic hunting grounds thousands of kilometers away. Then, the waters around Rurutu become quiet once again. Until the whales return again next year.