History of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam

History of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam
Overview of the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam
NARRATOR: Amsterdam - it is hard to find a place with more diversity than the capital of the Netherlands. Loads of canals, aristocratic homes and culture galore. Amsterdam is a modern city with room for history. You can experience a dark chapter of the past in the Anne Frank House. This house was the hiding place of a Jewish girl and her family while they were attempting to elude the Nazis during World War II. Prior to being deported, Anne Frank wrote what is probably the most famous diary in the world here. After the war, the house was near collapse. It is thanks to a citizens' initiative that the home that was her secret hideaway has been conserved just the way she described it in her diary entries.
The lights in the rooms are dimmed, just as they were when Anne Frank's family was trying to avoid discovery. The wall has pencil marks on it that her father drew to note his daughter's growth. There are posters of German film stars of the day, the remains of dreams like those of any teenage girl. Eight people hid packed in these very narrow confines for two years, in constant fear of being found. And the only view out is at the very top, the attic window Anne Frank would peer out of again and again in order to boost her spirits. Her eyes invariably fell on the big chestnut tree that still stands in the garden.
LEVIEN ROUW: "Lots of the facts are known about the Holocaust, the number of people who were killed is documented. But visiting a house or a place like this is important to discover what it meant for individual people and to better understand how individuals experienced it."
NARRATOR: After you've visited the Anne Frank House, we recommend you take a stroll through the streets of Amsterdam. You'll be sure to appreciate the city's easy and tolerant mood all the more.
The lights in the rooms are dimmed, just as they were when Anne Frank's family was trying to avoid discovery. The wall has pencil marks on it that her father drew to note his daughter's growth. There are posters of German film stars of the day, the remains of dreams like those of any teenage girl. Eight people hid packed in these very narrow confines for two years, in constant fear of being found. And the only view out is at the very top, the attic window Anne Frank would peer out of again and again in order to boost her spirits. Her eyes invariably fell on the big chestnut tree that still stands in the garden.
LEVIEN ROUW: "Lots of the facts are known about the Holocaust, the number of people who were killed is documented. But visiting a house or a place like this is important to discover what it meant for individual people and to better understand how individuals experienced it."
NARRATOR: After you've visited the Anne Frank House, we recommend you take a stroll through the streets of Amsterdam. You'll be sure to appreciate the city's easy and tolerant mood all the more.