How Portugal rose and fell as a colonial power

How Portugal rose and fell as a colonial power
Overview of Portugal's colonial history.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail The Berardo Collection, Lisbon (via Walters Museum)
NARRATOR: The Portuguese began exploring new sea passages as early as the 15th century. Their aim: to increase their influence in the world. They were adept seafarers, but had too little land and too few raw materials. With each expedition the Portuguese come closer to achieving their aim. Finally, in 1498, they discover a sea route to India. This discovery makes Portugal a colonial power.
ALEXANDER DEMANDT: "Small, active, militaristic, technically superior minorities have always been able to expand, in every age."
NARRATOR: Portugal takes control of Brazil. An impenetrable forest awaits them here. The first settlers are beset with difficulties. But shortly thereafter, the Brazilian gold rush will bring the colonial power great riches. The Portuguese bring in slaves from other colonies, above all from Africa, to work in the mines and on the plantations. Africans are thought to be stronger and healthier than the native Indios. The slave trade would be one of the most lucrative markets in the world for centuries. This is particularly true in the Americas. Slavery became the decisive economic factor here.
DEMANDT: "The slave trade is an example of human rights and humanitarianism getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the choice between them and economic interests."
NARRATOR: Eventually opposition grew - among slaves, and among the colonists themselves, who felt they were being controlled from afar by Europe. The colonies began striving for independence.
DEMANDT: "Portuguese colonialist rule - like that of all colonial powers - was, in fact, already obsolete."
NARRATOR: Brazil, for example, would gain independence in 1822, becoming a constitutional monarchy.
ALEXANDER DEMANDT: "Small, active, militaristic, technically superior minorities have always been able to expand, in every age."
NARRATOR: Portugal takes control of Brazil. An impenetrable forest awaits them here. The first settlers are beset with difficulties. But shortly thereafter, the Brazilian gold rush will bring the colonial power great riches. The Portuguese bring in slaves from other colonies, above all from Africa, to work in the mines and on the plantations. Africans are thought to be stronger and healthier than the native Indios. The slave trade would be one of the most lucrative markets in the world for centuries. This is particularly true in the Americas. Slavery became the decisive economic factor here.
DEMANDT: "The slave trade is an example of human rights and humanitarianism getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the choice between them and economic interests."
NARRATOR: Eventually opposition grew - among slaves, and among the colonists themselves, who felt they were being controlled from afar by Europe. The colonies began striving for independence.
DEMANDT: "Portuguese colonialist rule - like that of all colonial powers - was, in fact, already obsolete."
NARRATOR: Brazil, for example, would gain independence in 1822, becoming a constitutional monarchy.