Learn the basics of curling

Learn the basics of curling
Overview of curling.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Curling is a winter sport played on ice. The name curling refers to the rotational spin of the curling stone, which causes it to take a curved path. But where's the stone supposed to go? The playing surface is known as the curling sheet, and the circles on both sides of it form what's called the house. The object is to get your stone in the center of the house, known as the tee.
Curling is played by two teams with four players each. For every throw or delivery of the stone, the players have a specific job to do within the team, taking turns delivering the stone while two other players sweep. Sweeping warms the ice and creates a thin layer of water that prolongs the stone's glide in the intended direction. Curling's most decisive and demanding challenge is the placement of the stone within the house. Millimeters make the difference on the 45-meter-long sheet.
The delivering player pushes off with one foot for the throw, lightly turning the stone in one direction or the other upon release. The direction of the turn is determined by the intended path of the throw. The team leader, or skip, decides on the stone's target and the direction of the spin. In curling, tactical and playing skills are more important than factors such as speed, endurance and strength that are often required for other sports.
Curling is played in an ice rink, so players need warm clothing. The rest of the equipment is provided by the club, meaning that aside from club membership fees the players have no additional costs. Like in the games of boules or bocce, curling teams also attempt to knock the opposing team's stones out of the house to position their own stones more favorably. And although it's the skip that calls the shots, all the players share the responsibility. Curling is a team sport involving every player, where victory or defeat is literally a stone's throw away.
Curling is played by two teams with four players each. For every throw or delivery of the stone, the players have a specific job to do within the team, taking turns delivering the stone while two other players sweep. Sweeping warms the ice and creates a thin layer of water that prolongs the stone's glide in the intended direction. Curling's most decisive and demanding challenge is the placement of the stone within the house. Millimeters make the difference on the 45-meter-long sheet.
The delivering player pushes off with one foot for the throw, lightly turning the stone in one direction or the other upon release. The direction of the turn is determined by the intended path of the throw. The team leader, or skip, decides on the stone's target and the direction of the spin. In curling, tactical and playing skills are more important than factors such as speed, endurance and strength that are often required for other sports.
Curling is played in an ice rink, so players need warm clothing. The rest of the equipment is provided by the club, meaning that aside from club membership fees the players have no additional costs. Like in the games of boules or bocce, curling teams also attempt to knock the opposing team's stones out of the house to position their own stones more favorably. And although it's the skip that calls the shots, all the players share the responsibility. Curling is a team sport involving every player, where victory or defeat is literally a stone's throw away.