Are dandelions edible?

Are dandelions edible?
Overview of dandelions.
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The dandelion - its English name is a corruption of the French dent de lion, or lion's tooth. The big jagged leaves look like large teeth. The dandelion also has an astounding number of nicknames: blow ball, cankerwort, monk's head, fairy clock, Irish daisy, swine snort or wetabed. There are actually over 500. From the polar regions to the tropics, there are no boundaries for this herb. The reason: the dandelion multiplies quickly thanks to its fairy clock flower. The lightest breath of wind will send the tiny umbrella-shaped seeds everywhere - frequent fliers, so to speak.
The flowers bloom in springtime in bright yellow, an omen of sunnier days ahead. The hollow stems are toxic, but the delicate flowers and leaves are wonderful kitchen accomplices and also very useful for medicinal purposes. It's best to harvest them fresh.
The bitter compounds of the plant stimulate both digestion and appetite. The high potassium content is responsible for its diuretic effect. Tea made from young spring blossoms, leaves and roots has the strongest effect. To make dandelion oil, infuse the flowers in olive oil for three weeks and then filter. When used regularly as a massage oil, it's supposed to loosen benign nodules and cysts in the chest. A full body massage and hot bath with just two teaspoons of oil relaxes and relieves stress.
The dandelion's great powers of healing can be enjoyed in the form of a light salad. Young and tender leaves are especially suitable. The best time for picking leaves and flowers is spring, while the roots can be dug up from August to October. By the way, a single leaf covers the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult. One more reason to include this rabbit food in your diet more often.
If you're put off by the slightly bitter flavor of the leaves, try the milder buds. These should, however, still be tightly closed when picked. Poached eggs are a great addition to any dandelion salad. Put them gently in boiling, salted water and slice them immediately before serving.
Incidentally, the dandelion hitch hiked on its long journey from Europe to America. Settlers crossing the Atlantic carried the seed bags on their ships. The native Americans consequently called the plant white man's footsteps.
The flowers bloom in springtime in bright yellow, an omen of sunnier days ahead. The hollow stems are toxic, but the delicate flowers and leaves are wonderful kitchen accomplices and also very useful for medicinal purposes. It's best to harvest them fresh.
The bitter compounds of the plant stimulate both digestion and appetite. The high potassium content is responsible for its diuretic effect. Tea made from young spring blossoms, leaves and roots has the strongest effect. To make dandelion oil, infuse the flowers in olive oil for three weeks and then filter. When used regularly as a massage oil, it's supposed to loosen benign nodules and cysts in the chest. A full body massage and hot bath with just two teaspoons of oil relaxes and relieves stress.
The dandelion's great powers of healing can be enjoyed in the form of a light salad. Young and tender leaves are especially suitable. The best time for picking leaves and flowers is spring, while the roots can be dug up from August to October. By the way, a single leaf covers the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult. One more reason to include this rabbit food in your diet more often.
If you're put off by the slightly bitter flavor of the leaves, try the milder buds. These should, however, still be tightly closed when picked. Poached eggs are a great addition to any dandelion salad. Put them gently in boiling, salted water and slice them immediately before serving.
Incidentally, the dandelion hitch hiked on its long journey from Europe to America. Settlers crossing the Atlantic carried the seed bags on their ships. The native Americans consequently called the plant white man's footsteps.