How does radiation affect the human body?

How does radiation affect the human body?
Overview of nuclear radiation and its effects on the human body.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail © Eevlva/
NARRATOR: This is the Helmholz Center in Munich. This research center has a Wilson cloud chamber where radioactivity can be seen.
SCIENTIST: "In the chamber itself we have a mixture of alcohol vapor and air and when radiation goes through this chamber we can see these little drops of alcohol and water that create the tracks of mist that we can see here."
NARRATOR: Alpha radiation is shown as a worm-like structure. The spider-web like threads in the middle show beta radiation. The human body has no way of sensing radioactivity, so we do not even notice when we have been exposed to radioactivity.
MICHAEL ATKINSON: "You can be exposed to a fatal dose without noticing. The blood vessels in our bodies constrict so blood can no longer flow through the bloodstream properly and can start to leak out of the body, causing grave symptoms."
NARRATOR: This is why people who work in nuclear plants, like here in the destroyed Japanese plant Fukushima, are completely dependent on their radiation exposure detectors. Acute damage can be caused when exposure reaches 200 millisieverts or more, but lower dosages can cause late effects.
ATKINSON: "There is clear evidence from epidemiological studies that shows that such dosages can cause long-term damage. However, not every person who is exposed to 200 millisieverts develops an illness."
NARRATOR: Dust particles in the air absorb nuclear radiation and this causes stress to our lungs and thyroid glands. Even if it sounds odd, water that is contaminated with radiation can cause severe burns. Alpha radiation is less damaging and the rays can be partially blocked with a sheet of paper. It would take a sheet of metal to block beta rays. You need thick layers of dense material, such as lead, to protect yourself from gamma radiation. A nuclear meltdown causes acute radiation exposure that is multiplied by the fact that foodstuffs remain contaminated for years afterwards. The exposure limit of 200 millisieverts hints at a level of safety that no one can guarantee.
SCIENTIST: "In the chamber itself we have a mixture of alcohol vapor and air and when radiation goes through this chamber we can see these little drops of alcohol and water that create the tracks of mist that we can see here."
NARRATOR: Alpha radiation is shown as a worm-like structure. The spider-web like threads in the middle show beta radiation. The human body has no way of sensing radioactivity, so we do not even notice when we have been exposed to radioactivity.
MICHAEL ATKINSON: "You can be exposed to a fatal dose without noticing. The blood vessels in our bodies constrict so blood can no longer flow through the bloodstream properly and can start to leak out of the body, causing grave symptoms."
NARRATOR: This is why people who work in nuclear plants, like here in the destroyed Japanese plant Fukushima, are completely dependent on their radiation exposure detectors. Acute damage can be caused when exposure reaches 200 millisieverts or more, but lower dosages can cause late effects.
ATKINSON: "There is clear evidence from epidemiological studies that shows that such dosages can cause long-term damage. However, not every person who is exposed to 200 millisieverts develops an illness."
NARRATOR: Dust particles in the air absorb nuclear radiation and this causes stress to our lungs and thyroid glands. Even if it sounds odd, water that is contaminated with radiation can cause severe burns. Alpha radiation is less damaging and the rays can be partially blocked with a sheet of paper. It would take a sheet of metal to block beta rays. You need thick layers of dense material, such as lead, to protect yourself from gamma radiation. A nuclear meltdown causes acute radiation exposure that is multiplied by the fact that foodstuffs remain contaminated for years afterwards. The exposure limit of 200 millisieverts hints at a level of safety that no one can guarantee.