Follow the Islam faith's path from the prophet Muhammad's founding to the modern practice of the five pillars

Follow the Islam faith's path from the prophet Muhammad's founding to the modern practice of the five pillars
Spread of the practice of Islam.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: In the 7th century AD, a new religion called Islam began to spread throughout the Arab world.
Founded by the Prophet Muhammad, Islam became a unifying force: it gave people of different languages and traditions a common faith. To show true religious commitment, every Muslim adheres to the five pillars of Islam. One of these five duties is praying in a prescribed manner at five specific times each day, often at a mosque.
Founded by the Prophet Muhammad, Islam became a unifying force: it gave people of different languages and traditions a common faith. To show true religious commitment, every Muslim adheres to the five pillars of Islam. One of these five duties is praying in a prescribed manner at five specific times each day, often at a mosque.