Celebrate the summer solstice with the Swedes in the Scandinavian Midsommar holiday maypole tradition

Celebrate the summer solstice with the Swedes in the Scandinavian Midsommar holiday maypole tradition
Swedish midsummer festival.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
[Music in]
NARRATOR: During their long winters, the people of Scandinavia spend months without seeing the sun rise.
That is why they rejoice at the return of the sun—the Midsommar.
Here in Sweden people joyfully celebrate the return of summer's long days and short nights with music and dances around the maypole.
It is a traditional celebration in which everybody participates, even the very young.
[Music out]
NARRATOR: During their long winters, the people of Scandinavia spend months without seeing the sun rise.
That is why they rejoice at the return of the sun—the Midsommar.
Here in Sweden people joyfully celebrate the return of summer's long days and short nights with music and dances around the maypole.
It is a traditional celebration in which everybody participates, even the very young.
[Music out]