How ancient Romans honoured their dead relatives…by feeding them

How ancient Romans honoured their dead relatives…by feeding them
Learn more about religion in ancient Rome.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
WTFact: Religion and Superstition in Ancient Rome
Oh my Jupiter.
Ancient Romans built special tubes to feed their dead relatives.
Presenting offerings to the dead has been a thing for pretty much ever and is still common practice today.
But some ancient Romans streamlined their delivery of food and wine to the deceased by using “libation tubes” that connected graves to the ground above.
On special occasions, mourners would pour food and wine down the tubes for their loved ones below.
Wealthy Romans had a separate fireplace just to prepare religious offerings.
An open hearth in a Roman home was called a focus.
For years, everything that needed heat—meals, boiling water, preparing offerings to the gods—was accomplished there.
But when separate kitchens became popular, wealthy Romans shifted household chores to the new building and used the original focus for religious purposes only.
Roman pagans accused early Christians of cannibalism.
This one could have started with the Eucharist, the Christian sacrament of consuming bread and wine in memory of Jesus Christ, who called bread and wine his body and blood.
But when Romans started talking about Christians eating babies during secret rituals, it was probably more because they distrusted Christianity as something new and strange than because they thought eating other people was a tenet of the religion.
Hundreds of years later, medieval Christians similarly leveled accusations of cannibalism against adherents of Judaism.
Oh my Jupiter.
Ancient Romans built special tubes to feed their dead relatives.
Presenting offerings to the dead has been a thing for pretty much ever and is still common practice today.
But some ancient Romans streamlined their delivery of food and wine to the deceased by using “libation tubes” that connected graves to the ground above.
On special occasions, mourners would pour food and wine down the tubes for their loved ones below.
Wealthy Romans had a separate fireplace just to prepare religious offerings.
An open hearth in a Roman home was called a focus.
For years, everything that needed heat—meals, boiling water, preparing offerings to the gods—was accomplished there.
But when separate kitchens became popular, wealthy Romans shifted household chores to the new building and used the original focus for religious purposes only.
Roman pagans accused early Christians of cannibalism.
This one could have started with the Eucharist, the Christian sacrament of consuming bread and wine in memory of Jesus Christ, who called bread and wine his body and blood.
But when Romans started talking about Christians eating babies during secret rituals, it was probably more because they distrusted Christianity as something new and strange than because they thought eating other people was a tenet of the religion.
Hundreds of years later, medieval Christians similarly leveled accusations of cannibalism against adherents of Judaism.