Studying humpback whales in the South Pacific

Studying humpback whales in the South Pacific
Marine biologists studying the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the waters off Moorea, French Polynesia.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Moorea is Tahiti's smallest sister island. Behind palm trees lining its South Pacific coral beaches, the angular silhouettes of dormant volcanoes rise up steeply. This island is the eptiome of what we imagine the South Pacific to be. Lush, green vegetation, colorful coral reefs and clear, blue waters. For many visitors Moorea is the most beautiful island in the world.
Moorea belongs to French Polynesia and geographically forms part of the Society Islands. It's at the center of a conservation area for marine animals created in 2002. Whales and dolphins in particular are specially protected throughout the 4 million square kilometer economic area of French Polynesia. This is where marine biologist Dr. Michael Poole has been researching the behavior of humpback whales for the last 15 years. He makes daily excursions behind the island's fringe reefs. Dr. Poole is unable to conduct his research below water due to protection clauses that prohibit diving with compressed air tanks, since this would significantly disturb the animals. But marine animals have to come up for air in certain intervals. Dr. Poole waits patiently for these windows of opportunity and hopes that one will surface nearby. Once he has spotted an animal, he tries to spot distinctive marks and takes photographs to establish a profile for each individual. Every humpback whales' tail fin has a unique shape and coloring on the underside.
Recordings of the same animals elsewhere in the world give indications of the whales' behavioral patterns. Sometimes, the whales put on an impressive performance. Jumping and smashing their fins on the water surface is thought to rid them of irritating parasites. When this happens, skin fragments come loose, which the scientists quickly scoop from the water in order to analyze their DNA. Gradually, they can put together a more and more detailed profile for each individual.
Here in the warm Polynesian waters, the whales have found a quiet spot to spend their time sheltered from predators and rough weather, while winter reigns in the Antarctic. Despite their incredible size, whales are shy animals. They still pose unsolved questions for researchers. How do whales navigate over thousands of kilometers? How do they find their mating territories? Very often, the same whales continue to return to the same islands. What is their relationship with each other? In the past, they were simply an easy prey for human hunters. But today, most people hope that it isn't yet too late to save them.
Moorea belongs to French Polynesia and geographically forms part of the Society Islands. It's at the center of a conservation area for marine animals created in 2002. Whales and dolphins in particular are specially protected throughout the 4 million square kilometer economic area of French Polynesia. This is where marine biologist Dr. Michael Poole has been researching the behavior of humpback whales for the last 15 years. He makes daily excursions behind the island's fringe reefs. Dr. Poole is unable to conduct his research below water due to protection clauses that prohibit diving with compressed air tanks, since this would significantly disturb the animals. But marine animals have to come up for air in certain intervals. Dr. Poole waits patiently for these windows of opportunity and hopes that one will surface nearby. Once he has spotted an animal, he tries to spot distinctive marks and takes photographs to establish a profile for each individual. Every humpback whales' tail fin has a unique shape and coloring on the underside.
Recordings of the same animals elsewhere in the world give indications of the whales' behavioral patterns. Sometimes, the whales put on an impressive performance. Jumping and smashing their fins on the water surface is thought to rid them of irritating parasites. When this happens, skin fragments come loose, which the scientists quickly scoop from the water in order to analyze their DNA. Gradually, they can put together a more and more detailed profile for each individual.
Here in the warm Polynesian waters, the whales have found a quiet spot to spend their time sheltered from predators and rough weather, while winter reigns in the Antarctic. Despite their incredible size, whales are shy animals. They still pose unsolved questions for researchers. How do whales navigate over thousands of kilometers? How do they find their mating territories? Very often, the same whales continue to return to the same islands. What is their relationship with each other? In the past, they were simply an easy prey for human hunters. But today, most people hope that it isn't yet too late to save them.