Various fish species in South Pacific coral reefs

Various fish species in South Pacific coral reefs
Explore a coral reef in the South Pacific and learn about its diverse fish population, which includes humphead wrasses (sometimes called Napoleon fishes) and triggerfishes.
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A tropical island in the South Pacific – it’s part of a coral atoll. Coral reefs are some of the greatest natural structures on Earth. But this is no paradise. Countless hunters and merciless competition mean that life is a constant fight for survival. Due to the sheer diversity of life, its shapes and colors, they’ve become known as rainforests of the sea.
Fakarava - an atoll in French Polynesia and part of a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Its species richness is almost unparalleled. Atolls are circular coral reefs that can give rise to a fringe of smaller sand islands. They are the epitome of a tropical paradise.
Coral reefs are a bit like underwater metropolises. Many fish seek safety in numbers as shoals. And others hide amongst the corals. The builders of these mighty structures are the coral-polyps: tiny invertebrate organisms that live inside the calcareous coral skeletons and feed off plankton. Coral polyps live in symbiosis with tiny algae, which use photosynthesis to turn sunlight into sugar - food for them and their hosts. And just as chlorophyll dyes the leaves of a plant green, these algae are also responsible for the vibrant colors of many corals. That’s why coral reefs depend on the sun and grow up towards it. They tend to thrive in light-filled shallows.
The reefs form the basis of highly complex ecosystems. The reef itself consists of relatively few different corals. There are only around 5,000 types of coral in the world compared to 20,000 different kinds of fish that call the coral reef their home. While searching for food, some animals get physical with the reef and literally rebuild it. This yellow margin trigger fish is looking for food among stone corals.
This wrasse also leaves no stone unturned while searching for something edible and reconfigures the reef in the progress. The humphead wrasse is a real giant amongst the reef residents. They can grow to over two meters and weigh almost 200 kilos. When they search for food amongst the corals, they show just how strong they are.
One of the most stunning reef fish is the parrot fish. Its curved beak is similar to that of a parrot and serves to scrape the corals in order to get to the algae. And this mixture of algae and coral debris is all swallowed. Its feces are almost entirely made of coral sand. Incredibly, this fish is responsible for most of the sand found on a reef. This sand stabilizes the reef and offers the basis for an entirely different ecosystem, where tiny organisms can thrive.
Reef residents use a bewildering variety of techniques to collect food. This small fish belonging to the family of the damsel fish is tending his own algal garden. It seems to be tending something of an algae farm and even defends his crops aggressively against intruders. He growls intently to warn them off.
There are also special cleaning stations where cleaner fish wait for custom. They live off parasites found on the skin surface or inside the mouths and gills of other fish. Especially on a reef, cooperation between completely different kinds of animals seems to be rife. The emperor angel fish gets the much more powerful hawksbill turtle to do his dirty work for him. The turtle is looking for sponges amongst the coral and breaks off entire chunks of it in the process. This is ideal feeding material for the emperor angel fish. It’s looking for small crustaceans, which drop off their hideouts in the process.
Some fish even exploit the camouflage and protection of other species. These jacks go on the hunt in the shadow of a big humphead wrasse. Silver tip sharks have to deal with an entire following of other species. There are various theories as to what is happening here. Either the jacks try to herd the shark out of their territory, or they are cleaning themselves by rubbing themselves against its rough skin. This trumpet fish is using a ray as cover, in order to hunt in an open territory. It is cleverly pretending to be a part of the imposing ray. This one is using the same trick on a grouper.
Coral reefs are in serious danger through the warming and pollution of the sea. An estimated 20 percent of all reefs have already died and around 30–40 percent are critically endangered. Time is running out for the protection of the last reefs.
Fakarava - an atoll in French Polynesia and part of a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Its species richness is almost unparalleled. Atolls are circular coral reefs that can give rise to a fringe of smaller sand islands. They are the epitome of a tropical paradise.
Coral reefs are a bit like underwater metropolises. Many fish seek safety in numbers as shoals. And others hide amongst the corals. The builders of these mighty structures are the coral-polyps: tiny invertebrate organisms that live inside the calcareous coral skeletons and feed off plankton. Coral polyps live in symbiosis with tiny algae, which use photosynthesis to turn sunlight into sugar - food for them and their hosts. And just as chlorophyll dyes the leaves of a plant green, these algae are also responsible for the vibrant colors of many corals. That’s why coral reefs depend on the sun and grow up towards it. They tend to thrive in light-filled shallows.
The reefs form the basis of highly complex ecosystems. The reef itself consists of relatively few different corals. There are only around 5,000 types of coral in the world compared to 20,000 different kinds of fish that call the coral reef their home. While searching for food, some animals get physical with the reef and literally rebuild it. This yellow margin trigger fish is looking for food among stone corals.
This wrasse also leaves no stone unturned while searching for something edible and reconfigures the reef in the progress. The humphead wrasse is a real giant amongst the reef residents. They can grow to over two meters and weigh almost 200 kilos. When they search for food amongst the corals, they show just how strong they are.
One of the most stunning reef fish is the parrot fish. Its curved beak is similar to that of a parrot and serves to scrape the corals in order to get to the algae. And this mixture of algae and coral debris is all swallowed. Its feces are almost entirely made of coral sand. Incredibly, this fish is responsible for most of the sand found on a reef. This sand stabilizes the reef and offers the basis for an entirely different ecosystem, where tiny organisms can thrive.
Reef residents use a bewildering variety of techniques to collect food. This small fish belonging to the family of the damsel fish is tending his own algal garden. It seems to be tending something of an algae farm and even defends his crops aggressively against intruders. He growls intently to warn them off.
There are also special cleaning stations where cleaner fish wait for custom. They live off parasites found on the skin surface or inside the mouths and gills of other fish. Especially on a reef, cooperation between completely different kinds of animals seems to be rife. The emperor angel fish gets the much more powerful hawksbill turtle to do his dirty work for him. The turtle is looking for sponges amongst the coral and breaks off entire chunks of it in the process. This is ideal feeding material for the emperor angel fish. It’s looking for small crustaceans, which drop off their hideouts in the process.
Some fish even exploit the camouflage and protection of other species. These jacks go on the hunt in the shadow of a big humphead wrasse. Silver tip sharks have to deal with an entire following of other species. There are various theories as to what is happening here. Either the jacks try to herd the shark out of their territory, or they are cleaning themselves by rubbing themselves against its rough skin. This trumpet fish is using a ray as cover, in order to hunt in an open territory. It is cleverly pretending to be a part of the imposing ray. This one is using the same trick on a grouper.
Coral reefs are in serious danger through the warming and pollution of the sea. An estimated 20 percent of all reefs have already died and around 30–40 percent are critically endangered. Time is running out for the protection of the last reefs.