Life as the guardian of the Matterhorn mountain

Life as the guardian of the Matterhorn mountain
Learn about a high-altitude hostel on the Matterhorn.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Tila Monto
NARRATOR: The Matterhorn - 4,478 meters above sea level - the pyramid of the Alps. As far as Kurt Lauber's concerned, it's the most beautiful mountain in the world. Kurt is on his way to work. For more than 15 years, he has run the Hörnlihütte, an Alpine shelter at the foot of the Matterhorn. It's no surprise, then, that he's also known as the guardian of the mountain.
And here is the legendary Hörnlihütte, on a narrow rocky outcrop 3,260 meters up. The shelter is only open for three months in summer. The rest of the year, this whole area is covered with snow.
KURT LAUBER: "Mid-August is really our high season here. It's when the Matterhorn sees most of its climbers. But we've had a lot of snow these last two days. A couple of days ago we had half a meter of snow. So at the moment the mountain's pretty quiet. There's too much snow up there right now. It would be very dangerous to attempt an ascent."
NARRATOR: He can expect a quiet day ahead. Even a mountaineer as experienced as Kurt, who has climbed to the summit 370 times, wouldn't attempt it in these conditions. Every intrepid explorer that calls to ask for the latest weather conditions gets the same stern warning from Kurt.
LAUBER: "Yes, it's very unsettled up at the summit. It'd be better to wait a couple of days until some of the snow has melted."
NARRATOR: At last, the landlord and his coworkers have a bit of time to do those jobs they never seem quite able to get around to. Pamber and Purma, his two coworkers from Nepal, broaden the paths around the shelter. It's gruelling work - but, even so, they travel from the Himalayas to the Alps every summer to help out.
Meanwhile, Kurt is sorting out the shelter's water supply. In the kitchen, they're almost down to the last drop - a major problem at this altitude. To ensure a constant supply, the pipes have to be checked each day and refilled with snow. Up here, the only source of water is melting snow. On a busy day with up to 120 climbers to feed, it's essential that there's a good supply of fresh water. Daily life up here is one long, hard slog for Kurt and his colleagues.
LAUBER: "Sometimes, I think I should pack it all in and go live by the sea or a lake or somewhere in the country. Here, everything's black, white and grey. The only exception to that is our salads. Maybe I should move to Thailand, somewhere I could go diving. Somewhere where the water isn't frozen."
NARRATOR: The end of August sees the end of the climbing season on the Matterhorn. The Hörnlihütte is closed and the guardian of the mountain takes a well-earned rest in the valley below.
And here is the legendary Hörnlihütte, on a narrow rocky outcrop 3,260 meters up. The shelter is only open for three months in summer. The rest of the year, this whole area is covered with snow.
KURT LAUBER: "Mid-August is really our high season here. It's when the Matterhorn sees most of its climbers. But we've had a lot of snow these last two days. A couple of days ago we had half a meter of snow. So at the moment the mountain's pretty quiet. There's too much snow up there right now. It would be very dangerous to attempt an ascent."
NARRATOR: He can expect a quiet day ahead. Even a mountaineer as experienced as Kurt, who has climbed to the summit 370 times, wouldn't attempt it in these conditions. Every intrepid explorer that calls to ask for the latest weather conditions gets the same stern warning from Kurt.
LAUBER: "Yes, it's very unsettled up at the summit. It'd be better to wait a couple of days until some of the snow has melted."
NARRATOR: At last, the landlord and his coworkers have a bit of time to do those jobs they never seem quite able to get around to. Pamber and Purma, his two coworkers from Nepal, broaden the paths around the shelter. It's gruelling work - but, even so, they travel from the Himalayas to the Alps every summer to help out.
Meanwhile, Kurt is sorting out the shelter's water supply. In the kitchen, they're almost down to the last drop - a major problem at this altitude. To ensure a constant supply, the pipes have to be checked each day and refilled with snow. Up here, the only source of water is melting snow. On a busy day with up to 120 climbers to feed, it's essential that there's a good supply of fresh water. Daily life up here is one long, hard slog for Kurt and his colleagues.
LAUBER: "Sometimes, I think I should pack it all in and go live by the sea or a lake or somewhere in the country. Here, everything's black, white and grey. The only exception to that is our salads. Maybe I should move to Thailand, somewhere I could go diving. Somewhere where the water isn't frozen."
NARRATOR: The end of August sees the end of the climbing season on the Matterhorn. The Hörnlihütte is closed and the guardian of the mountain takes a well-earned rest in the valley below.