The effects of too much salt in your diet

The effects of too much salt in your diet
Learn about salt, including its health effects.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: Salt is a part of our everyday lives and is a must in any kitchen. For ages salt has been a key aspect of mealtimes and even the proverbial grain can work wonders.
RALF WEIßMANN: "Salt's role is not to be underestimated. It was undoubtedly the first and still is the most elementary flavor enhancer known to mankind. Nevertheless, in this day and age we have to properly gauge when and how much of it to use, as so many manufactured foods are chock full of salt."
NARRATOR: Here, technicians are investigating the effects of salt on the human body. When it comes to salt, there can in fact be too much of a good thing.
GISELA OLIAS: "A healthy diet should consist of no more than five to six grams of salt a day. In practice, however, our daily salt intake can reach 10 grams."
NARRATOR: The question is: Which foods contain salts? For the once pricey mineral is in more foods and beverages than meets the eye. It's best to enjoy it in moderation, as too much salt causes high blood pressure. Be especially cautious when eating the most notorious of salty snacks and products.
OLIAS: "As you might expect, prepared meats like bacon and salami and some cheeses, like Harzer, are high in salt. The best way to avoid eating too many salty foods is to prepare your own meals at home and cut down on ready-made meals and snacks. Doing so better enables you to determine how much salt is in your diet."
NARRATOR: This is especially easy to do in spring, as one effective way of keeping your salt intake down is to use fresh herbs and spices.
WEIßMANN: "Most of the time, we choose to cook with sea salt, which is the purest, most natural form of salt. Then there's rock salt, which is great for baking bread. This here is flake salt, which is the best form available. And this, of course, is table salt, which you'd find in your local supermarket. We try to use it as infrequently as possible, given how detrimental it can be to human health."
NARRATOR: This is because numerous minerals are absent in ordinary table salt. Be that as it may, salt remains a firm staple of kitchens everywhere. After all, no salt is a no go where food is concerned.
WEIßMANN: "Our relationship to salt is a lot like true love. We miss it, as soon as it's not there."
NARRATOR: People are not going to give up salt any time soon. We've simply grown too accustomed to it. Nonetheless, we should gauge how much we use. Food is still tasty - not to mention healthier - with a few grams less.
RALF WEIßMANN: "Salt's role is not to be underestimated. It was undoubtedly the first and still is the most elementary flavor enhancer known to mankind. Nevertheless, in this day and age we have to properly gauge when and how much of it to use, as so many manufactured foods are chock full of salt."
NARRATOR: Here, technicians are investigating the effects of salt on the human body. When it comes to salt, there can in fact be too much of a good thing.
GISELA OLIAS: "A healthy diet should consist of no more than five to six grams of salt a day. In practice, however, our daily salt intake can reach 10 grams."
NARRATOR: The question is: Which foods contain salts? For the once pricey mineral is in more foods and beverages than meets the eye. It's best to enjoy it in moderation, as too much salt causes high blood pressure. Be especially cautious when eating the most notorious of salty snacks and products.
OLIAS: "As you might expect, prepared meats like bacon and salami and some cheeses, like Harzer, are high in salt. The best way to avoid eating too many salty foods is to prepare your own meals at home and cut down on ready-made meals and snacks. Doing so better enables you to determine how much salt is in your diet."
NARRATOR: This is especially easy to do in spring, as one effective way of keeping your salt intake down is to use fresh herbs and spices.
WEIßMANN: "Most of the time, we choose to cook with sea salt, which is the purest, most natural form of salt. Then there's rock salt, which is great for baking bread. This here is flake salt, which is the best form available. And this, of course, is table salt, which you'd find in your local supermarket. We try to use it as infrequently as possible, given how detrimental it can be to human health."
NARRATOR: This is because numerous minerals are absent in ordinary table salt. Be that as it may, salt remains a firm staple of kitchens everywhere. After all, no salt is a no go where food is concerned.
WEIßMANN: "Our relationship to salt is a lot like true love. We miss it, as soon as it's not there."
NARRATOR: People are not going to give up salt any time soon. We've simply grown too accustomed to it. Nonetheless, we should gauge how much we use. Food is still tasty - not to mention healthier - with a few grams less.