Watch a scene from “Dr. Kildare's Strange Case” (1940)

Watch a scene from “Dr. Kildare's Strange Case” (1940)
A scene from Dr. Kildare's Strange Case (1940), starring Lew Ayres (Dr. James Kildare), Lionel Barrymore (Dr. Leonard Gillespie), and Laraine Day (Nurse Mary Lamont).
Public Domain
NURSE MARY: Is Dr. Kildare in?
NURSE PARKER: Dr. Kildare is in Dr. Gillespie's office. And everything is okay; Gillespie shut himself up in the other room.
DR. KILDARE: Mary, I get an hour off today. How about having lunch?
NURSE MARY: Jimmy, that will be wonderful.
DR: KILDARE: Ah--ah yes, Dr. Gillespie.
NURSE MARY: I have to make a phone call first.
DR. GILLESPIE: Kildare! Jimmy Kildare!
DR: KILDARE: Coming Dr. Gillespie.
Mary, you have another date for lunch, haven't you? If you already have a date, then you mustn't break it. Besides I'm--I'm not sure Dr. Gillespie'll let me off.
NURSE MARY: But Jimmy, you know . . .
DR. GILLESPIE: Dr. Kildare! Can't you hear me?
DR. KILDARE: I'll--I'll be right there, Dr. Gillespie.
No lunch, Mary.
DR. GILLESPIE: Kildare, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Jimmy, you've had a pretty busy morning. Why don't you . . .
DR. KILDARE: What did you want, sir? You were saying something was ridiculous.
DR. GILLESPIE: Ah! This report on Rufus Ingersoll. Jimmy, Rufus Ingersoll's been examined by every department in this hand-painted institution. Here are 27 different reports by 27 different doctors without a mistake in one of 'em. Why, it's impossible. Parker! Parker! Mr. Rufus Ingersoll should be treated with kindness, sweetness, and light.
Will you kindly send in Mr. Rufus Ingersoll?
NURSE PARKER: Yes, doctor.
DR. GILLESPIE: Let me handle this, Jimmy.
MR. INGERSOLL: Good morning, doctor.
DR. GILLESPIE: Well, Mr. Ingersoll, good morning. And how are you feeling today?
MR. INGERSOLL: Never felt better in my life!
DR. GILLESPIE: Oh oh, that's fine--that's fine . . . because your system's in a state of collapse. Sit down before you fall down. Mr. Ingersoll you're suffering from a bad case of what we might call the dangerous age. You've been living too young. You've been eating too young. You've been drinking too young. You've been--yes--you've been thinking too young. And all because you fancy yourself to be in love with a young girl in her twenties. And what's the result? Your stomach is overworked, your heart is overstrained, and your kidneys look like the Battle of Gettysburg.
MR. INGERSOLL: My age has nothing to do with it. I'm still a young man.
DR. GILLESPIE: Yeah, young enough to make a fool of yourself.
MR. INGERSOLL: Dr. Gillespie, I came here for medical advice.
DR. GILLESPIE: Okay. You take a large dose of common sense. Of course your personal affairs have got nothing to do with me; but medically speaking, my advice is that you should lead the life of a gentleman of 50, with his wife and children. Otherwise, Mr. Ingersoll, one of these fine days you're going to drop dead. Good day, Mr. Ingersoll.
DR. KILDARE: This way, sir.
DR. GILLESPIE: Next patient!
NURSE PARKER: Dr. Kildare is in Dr. Gillespie's office. And everything is okay; Gillespie shut himself up in the other room.
DR. KILDARE: Mary, I get an hour off today. How about having lunch?
NURSE MARY: Jimmy, that will be wonderful.
DR: KILDARE: Ah--ah yes, Dr. Gillespie.
NURSE MARY: I have to make a phone call first.
DR. GILLESPIE: Kildare! Jimmy Kildare!
DR: KILDARE: Coming Dr. Gillespie.
Mary, you have another date for lunch, haven't you? If you already have a date, then you mustn't break it. Besides I'm--I'm not sure Dr. Gillespie'll let me off.
NURSE MARY: But Jimmy, you know . . .
DR. GILLESPIE: Dr. Kildare! Can't you hear me?
DR. KILDARE: I'll--I'll be right there, Dr. Gillespie.
No lunch, Mary.
DR. GILLESPIE: Kildare, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Jimmy, you've had a pretty busy morning. Why don't you . . .
DR. KILDARE: What did you want, sir? You were saying something was ridiculous.
DR. GILLESPIE: Ah! This report on Rufus Ingersoll. Jimmy, Rufus Ingersoll's been examined by every department in this hand-painted institution. Here are 27 different reports by 27 different doctors without a mistake in one of 'em. Why, it's impossible. Parker! Parker! Mr. Rufus Ingersoll should be treated with kindness, sweetness, and light.
Will you kindly send in Mr. Rufus Ingersoll?
NURSE PARKER: Yes, doctor.
DR. GILLESPIE: Let me handle this, Jimmy.
MR. INGERSOLL: Good morning, doctor.
DR. GILLESPIE: Well, Mr. Ingersoll, good morning. And how are you feeling today?
MR. INGERSOLL: Never felt better in my life!
DR. GILLESPIE: Oh oh, that's fine--that's fine . . . because your system's in a state of collapse. Sit down before you fall down. Mr. Ingersoll you're suffering from a bad case of what we might call the dangerous age. You've been living too young. You've been eating too young. You've been drinking too young. You've been--yes--you've been thinking too young. And all because you fancy yourself to be in love with a young girl in her twenties. And what's the result? Your stomach is overworked, your heart is overstrained, and your kidneys look like the Battle of Gettysburg.
MR. INGERSOLL: My age has nothing to do with it. I'm still a young man.
DR. GILLESPIE: Yeah, young enough to make a fool of yourself.
MR. INGERSOLL: Dr. Gillespie, I came here for medical advice.
DR. GILLESPIE: Okay. You take a large dose of common sense. Of course your personal affairs have got nothing to do with me; but medically speaking, my advice is that you should lead the life of a gentleman of 50, with his wife and children. Otherwise, Mr. Ingersoll, one of these fine days you're going to drop dead. Good day, Mr. Ingersoll.
DR. KILDARE: This way, sir.
DR. GILLESPIE: Next patient!