How music causes chills: Understanding dopamine and sound

How music causes chills: Understanding dopamine and sound
Discover the science behind the appeal of music.
© American Chemical Society (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
NARRATOR: Why do we love music? Everybody's got their own reasons. But from an evolutionary perspective, our love of music doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It didn't contribute to our survival or help our ancestors make babies. It turns out that the key to your musical feels might be chemistry.
A 2011 study from Valerie Salimpoor and others looked at a group of people who reliably got musical chills and asked them to make a playlist of their favorite songs of any style. These people listened to the tracks while scientists monitored their brain activity. They found that music triggers the release of a chemical called dopamine in a part of the brain called the striatum. Evolutionarily, this is a really old part of the brain associated with responses to stuff that make you feel good. This showed that listening to say Daft Punk affects the same areas of the brain as chocolate, sex, or cocaine.
It was the first time somebody revealed that in abstract reward like listening to music could release dopamine, as opposed to a tangible reward like a delicious burrito. It might also explain why people love paintings or other forms of art. The study gives us a clue about why tension and release is so important in music. Let's use what dance music fans call 'the drop' as an example. It's that amazing moment when the audience is locked in with the artist, then all of a sudden the beat drops out. All that's left is a melody. Then another element creeps in, them another, building tension. Your pupils dilate, your heart rate goes up, everybody in the audience knows it's coming. The drop.
From the Isley Brothers Shout to a huge EDM drop, the tension and release in these songs make for some incredible musical moments. The study hints at why they feel so good. We'll let Vanessa from BrainCraft explain.
VANESSA HILL: We associate surges of dopamine with pleasure with the processing of actual rewards. And the listeners had more dopamine released in their brains during their favorite parts. But surprisingly, there was also increased amount of dopamine in a slightly different part of the brain before the listener got to their favorite part of the song. The authors called this the anticipatory phase of listening, where our brain's help us predict the arrival of our favorite part.
Neuroscientists believe this region of the brain is involved in creating learned responses to stimuli. In this case, a change in a song's beat or melody can be a cue that a reward is coming. The same way Pavlov's dogs started drooling when they heard of buzzer, a dancer's brain starts releasing dopamine during the breakdown of the song, knowing that a musical rush is coming soon.
NARRATOR: A great band or DJ can really get dopamine levels rising in these moments. The drop can be delayed or manipulated to heighten the musical climax. And the great thing about this work is that it extends to all genres. Music is subjective. You can get your dopamine rush from a house music buildup or classical music. It may even explain why fish heads love a four hour jam band set, even if we still don't get it.
A 2011 study from Valerie Salimpoor and others looked at a group of people who reliably got musical chills and asked them to make a playlist of their favorite songs of any style. These people listened to the tracks while scientists monitored their brain activity. They found that music triggers the release of a chemical called dopamine in a part of the brain called the striatum. Evolutionarily, this is a really old part of the brain associated with responses to stuff that make you feel good. This showed that listening to say Daft Punk affects the same areas of the brain as chocolate, sex, or cocaine.
It was the first time somebody revealed that in abstract reward like listening to music could release dopamine, as opposed to a tangible reward like a delicious burrito. It might also explain why people love paintings or other forms of art. The study gives us a clue about why tension and release is so important in music. Let's use what dance music fans call 'the drop' as an example. It's that amazing moment when the audience is locked in with the artist, then all of a sudden the beat drops out. All that's left is a melody. Then another element creeps in, them another, building tension. Your pupils dilate, your heart rate goes up, everybody in the audience knows it's coming. The drop.
From the Isley Brothers Shout to a huge EDM drop, the tension and release in these songs make for some incredible musical moments. The study hints at why they feel so good. We'll let Vanessa from BrainCraft explain.
VANESSA HILL: We associate surges of dopamine with pleasure with the processing of actual rewards. And the listeners had more dopamine released in their brains during their favorite parts. But surprisingly, there was also increased amount of dopamine in a slightly different part of the brain before the listener got to their favorite part of the song. The authors called this the anticipatory phase of listening, where our brain's help us predict the arrival of our favorite part.
Neuroscientists believe this region of the brain is involved in creating learned responses to stimuli. In this case, a change in a song's beat or melody can be a cue that a reward is coming. The same way Pavlov's dogs started drooling when they heard of buzzer, a dancer's brain starts releasing dopamine during the breakdown of the song, knowing that a musical rush is coming soon.
NARRATOR: A great band or DJ can really get dopamine levels rising in these moments. The drop can be delayed or manipulated to heighten the musical climax. And the great thing about this work is that it extends to all genres. Music is subjective. You can get your dopamine rush from a house music buildup or classical music. It may even explain why fish heads love a four hour jam band set, even if we still don't get it.