Take a tour of the Executive Mansion guided by First Lady Nancy Reagan and discover how the White House serves as a symbol of the continuity of democracy in the United States

Take a tour of the Executive Mansion guided by First Lady Nancy Reagan and discover how the White House serves as a symbol of the continuity of democracy in the United States
A tour of the White House with Nancy Reagan.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: There is no greater symbol of the United States government than the White House. Nancy Reagan explains the significance of the Executive Mansion.
NANCY REAGAN: When you visit the White House, it's something like the landlord visiting the tenant, because the White House belongs to all the American people. The president's family lives here only while the president is in office.
Many important state events take place here. On the White House lawn the president and first lady often greet outstanding Americans or foreign dignitaries. Sometimes the president signs legislation into law in outdoor ceremonies.
The president's family lives on the second floor of the White House.
On the first floor are the public rooms. Walking down the halls, I'm almost overcome with history when I think that every president except George Washington lived here.
Can you imagine President Jefferson striding down a corridor . . .
or President Lincoln looking thoughtfully out a window?
The rooms on this floor are used to receive and entertain official visitors.
As the residents of the White House have changed over the years, so has the White House itself. Laundry doesn't hang to dry in the East Room, as it did during Abigail Adams' day.
And Teddy Roosevelt's moose head no longer stares down from the wall of the State Dining Room on distinguished guests.
But whatever changes from one administration to the next, the White House always maintains its character and dignity. This wonderful historic house symbolizes the continuity of our democracy from generation to generation.
NANCY REAGAN: When you visit the White House, it's something like the landlord visiting the tenant, because the White House belongs to all the American people. The president's family lives here only while the president is in office.
Many important state events take place here. On the White House lawn the president and first lady often greet outstanding Americans or foreign dignitaries. Sometimes the president signs legislation into law in outdoor ceremonies.
The president's family lives on the second floor of the White House.
On the first floor are the public rooms. Walking down the halls, I'm almost overcome with history when I think that every president except George Washington lived here.
Can you imagine President Jefferson striding down a corridor . . .
or President Lincoln looking thoughtfully out a window?
The rooms on this floor are used to receive and entertain official visitors.
As the residents of the White House have changed over the years, so has the White House itself. Laundry doesn't hang to dry in the East Room, as it did during Abigail Adams' day.
And Teddy Roosevelt's moose head no longer stares down from the wall of the State Dining Room on distinguished guests.
But whatever changes from one administration to the next, the White House always maintains its character and dignity. This wonderful historic house symbolizes the continuity of our democracy from generation to generation.